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nathans1012 10/25/14 1:21 AM

Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
Your thoughts on this Sprint Car Crash. Purpose or not?
Did the fellow competitor go over board with the retaliation?

Just wondered you thoughts on this from the Open Wheel drivers, pit crews, track officials, & fans.

Video Link:

hoscalecody 10/25/14 5:54 AM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
looks like a person that went over board and it seems to be happening a lot which is sad. so i say it was on purpose and a very very immature move.

Sprintcarfanatic 10/25/14 8:33 AM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
Said Jeff Swindell was DQ'd the night before & a lot of people said that was just racing & he shouldn't have been.

Then Crawley & Hull get together & Crawley went after Hull. Hull must have seen him just as he was exiting car because he grabs Crawley & gives him a belly to belly suflex.

Harli should walk up to Riggins calmly & kick him right in the you know where. If he has any left after that move.

Tief 10/25/14 9:13 AM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
It looks to me like the black car (#17) in front checked up pretty hard in the corner - the yellow car (#7?) closed on him real quick. Also - I watched it a whole bunch of times - it looks like the wheels of the #7 are locked at the point of impact, suggesting he was hard on the brakes. The #7 also took the low line on the previous lap through 3 and 4 so it's not like he was going somewhere he hadn't been before. Racing accident. That's how I see it.

-A fan

cshuman 10/25/14 9:29 AM

You are crazy to think that's just a racing deal. The black car took a shot at her the lap before and missed, and flat out drove through her the next lap..

Rpracing1 10/25/14 9:45 AM question

dirt in ur beer 10/25/14 9:53 AM

Looked like he had his sights set on the tail of that car for a whole lap. Sure didn't look like he was trying to avoid her.

Jerry Spencer 10/25/14 10:05 AM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
A ass whipping would have been in order maybe not at the track but at the gas station or resturant someplace I would run into them and we would settle this mess.

Jerry #66j

dirt in ur beer 10/25/14 10:28 AM

Hope this guy is paying for his own stuff and I'm sorry for the person paying for hers.

DAD 10/25/14 11:27 AM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?

Originally Posted by cshuman (Post 396397)
You are crazy to think that's just a racing deal. The black car took a shot at her the lap before and missed, and flat out drove through her the next lap..

This all goes back to the drivers up-bringing, and how they were taught to race. There is Something that exist that we call "racing room". It has to do with the placement of the overtaking car's front wheel in relation to the cockpit of the car being overtaken. In the old days before all the driver safety stuff like cages, shoulder belts, neck restraints, etc driving like this could have caused some very serious repercussions, like bodily injury, and or maybe "Death". I guess because of these advancements courtesy and etiquette have gone by the wayside.

My Daddy taught me that if I could see the other racers front wheel that I was supposed to give them "Racing Room" not slow down but to not drive through them. Have you ever seen pictures of the "Great Ones" in the past racing side by side through the turn inches apart and their front wheels all turned to the same degree and very seldom touching. That is racing room. Dad also taught me that I did not have a rear view mirror, and that I was responsible for the guy in front of me and conversely the guy behind me was responsible for me. This doesn't seem to be the case here. Brake Check "maybe" but I couldn't tell for sure. I do know that It sure didn't come out the way it was supposed to for either racer.

Nothing in this clip shows that any regard for this bit of racing "etiquette" had been observed. I would assume that the driver had learned how to race by watching that "Sunday Professional Wrestling Program" sometimes known as NASCAR Racing.

Don't race "MAD" race "SMART".

Honest Dad himself:6::6:

racephoto1 10/25/14 12:40 PM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
The biggest problem is that too many kids grow up watching NASCRAP and think that's what racing is. By the time they strap into a race car they're brainwashed into doing all the time. Problem is , when they do it they don't care.

I still say tracks could really slow this down if they parked a guy when he took someone out. You get parked enough you realize you aren't doing any racing.

DAD 10/25/14 1:26 PM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?

We got a schooling outfit out right now that starts kids out at an very early age racing one another, they call themselves Quarter Midgets or .25 Midgets or whatever. They start parking them kids early in life for the smallest transgression and by the time they get into bigger cars racing right is second nature to them. Strapping a teenage kid in a big race car and saying have at it isn't the best policy now days, especially if dad was not a racer with a little insight and or he can't afford a coach for the kid.

These race cars are a lot different now than in the past, they practical drive them selves. You can take a newbie up to Kentucky Speedway and in a few laps they are up to 150MPH, but that don't make them Tony Stewart. It doesn't take much smarts to make them go fast but it does takes a lot of smarts for them to really race.

It would be nice if some sort of mandatory training be required for all racers, It wouldn't be cool if your buddies with experience saw you taking a class, but if everyone had to take the class, no one would know and maybe the experienced guys might remember something also.

If you get a chance watch this video about Quarter Midget Judging >>Can you envision any future Dave Darland's out there just starting out. This is the reason so many of these kids go on to bigger and better things. It doesn't start getting good until about 15 min into the clip.

Honest Dad himself:6::6:

KKinser99 10/25/14 6:39 PM

look like he crowded him first and then he retaliated with his car. I say we should let guys like this fight it out. Not the usual yelling match we see at race tracks that is broke up.

double checkered 10/25/14 6:48 PM

Leader was a female. Harli White. I don't think she is much of the fighting type.


Panama 10/25/14 7:54 PM

One of the most blatant on purpose take outs I have ever seen (on video) I believe young Eric Riggins Jr needs a classic Jack Hewitt style ass whipping!

Something in me believes he would not have done that to a Hewitt, Kinser, or a driver that could and would stand up for themselves.

I personally hope someday soon he runs directly into the ass whipping he so richly deserves!

dirtnonwingfan 10/25/14 8:30 PM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
Someone who would do this simply should not be allowed to get on a race track and endanger other drivers. With all the bad publicity racing in general and sprint car racing in particular has gotten recently, you would think that any driver would try to act more responsibly. Perhaps he should have a drug test.

If possible, his act is made worse by the fact that he deliberately crashed a very small young lady (Harli White) who was very, very badly burned a few years ago with 3rd degree burns over 50% of her body. She still carries very deep scars. Her courage and determination have been well documented, along with the fact that she won the 2013 ORCS wing and nonwing championships. I have had the opportunity to meet both her and her parents. Great folks. I am so glad that she didn't appear to be injured.

Points 10/26/14 1:38 AM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
Well recent events have taught us not to be to so quick to Judge. It does look at the very least a bone head move. It heard them say it was the white flag so were they the leaders going for the win? What was he mad about? I did not see her do anything to him except stay in front of him. Racing Deal or blatant? I'm on the fence I guess without more info. hopefully a lesson was learned either way to avoid another similar move.

slick01 10/26/14 2:15 AM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
Eric is a young man who is trying to grow a team just as Harli is. Maybe this was a bonehead deal. Eric has been trying to branch out and gain experience by racing in PA in the 410s. He is one of the very few cats in the south that has pursued sprint car racing and he deserves credit for that. We have never seen Eric have a problem anywhere. He is fast with the 360 stuff and is just needs more seat time when they can afford it. We respect Harli and hate that this deal happened.

hoscalecody 10/26/14 3:25 AM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
To me the video shows that Harli might have came down into eric coming to white flag in turn 3 the lap before the flip maybe Harli didn't see Eric and maybe came down into him and looks like Eric tries to wreck Harli and misses and chases her down and then going into 3 coming to the checkered flag it looks like eric didn't want to slow down because he was moving a lot faster than what he should have at least to me set his sights on Harli and plain out took her out in a uncalled for move. I'm just stating what i think i know people will have different opinions especially if they know and or are family With Eric Riggins Jr. and Harli White friends or family probably would agree with me. It would help with on board cameras to tell more on steering and how much throttle is being used but to me in the video doesn't look like there is any.

Tief 10/26/14 7:37 AM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?

Originally Posted by double checkered (Post 396425)
Leader was a female. Harli White. I don't think she is much of the fighting type.


When I wrote my comment that I thought this was just a racing deal, I had no idea who the two drivers involved were. I was just reacting to the video. I have to wonder though what influence it has on people's opinon of this incident that one of them was a female and if they would see this differently if they thought it were two annonimous male drivers, like I did.

Charles Nungester 10/26/14 8:34 AM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
Like I said, Do people even watch or research before they comment?
THIS ISN'T the Swindell wreck, Which could be taken many ways.

It's Harlie getting taken out deliberately.

DAD 10/26/14 10:02 AM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?

Originally Posted by slick01 (Post 396454)
Eric is a young man who is trying to grow a team just as Harli is. Maybe this was a bonehead deal. Eric has been trying to branch out and gain experience by racing in PA in the 410s. He is one of the very few cats in the south that has pursued sprint car racing and he deserves credit for that. We have never seen Eric have a problem anywhere. He is fast with the 360 stuff and is just needs more seat time when they can afford it. We respect Harli and hate that this deal happened.


Had Eric had more "Seat Time" the outcome probably would have been very different. Watching a Journeyman Driver move a competitor over to get around them is a thing of beauty, if done correctly. Eric didn't use a very subtle technique and it shows in the outcome. I am sure he did not imagine the outcome would have turned out as it did. Chalk it up to an expensive learning experience.

Back in the 60's when the Tripp Family first invaded the "East Coast" racing Quarter Midgets, they raced standard Kurtis Super cars with one small modification. There dad had a small triangle shaped extension welded to the lower cross bar of the front bumper. He called it their "cattle catcher". It corresponded to the cross bar on the rear of most quarter midgets back then. Sleepy "age 10" would simply ease in behind the car he was passing lift them up a fraction of an inch, in the center of the turn, they would get just a tad loose and he would just motor under them.

Honest Dad himself:6::6:

jahmo55 10/26/14 1:01 PM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
This wasn't an Accident and it wasn't a Bonehead move. E.R. tried to run into H.W. and it ended up Bad. Period.
Some times racers make stupid decisions worthy of the Thumping they got Coming.

dirtracer74 10/26/14 1:11 PM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
If this was not Harli White, it would not even be an issue on this site. Fact is, White pulled a poor chop block going in to turn three the lap before. He was clearly inside of her, and she tried to chop him, causing damage to his car. Lap later, he got in to the back of her, tearing up both cars. In my opinion, both were bonehead moves.

dirt in ur beer 10/26/14 2:47 PM

I think theres some added emotion because it's a "she". She should b considered a driver same as any other driver. She doesn't ask for any favoritism because of her gender and it shouldn't change the severity of the incident. He took out another driver.
Just saying

Flybyu96 10/26/14 6:43 PM

He drove it in hard and it bit up real good....then he ran out of talent..may not have been on purpose

Sprintcarfanatic 10/26/14 7:21 PM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
Seen some of the best step on it. Doesn't matter what is between their legs.

c47 10/26/14 8:24 PM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
if it wasnt intentional, it was very stupid and, IMO, a complete lack of talent. he had plenty of room to miss her.....and IF his front "wheels" were locked up (which is generally not possible since sprint cars only run 1 front brake) then he drove in way over his head.....and straight behind her.....if she was sloing up that much on the bottom, he should have headed for the top, not just drive right thru her.

DAD 10/27/14 10:05 AM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
Mental Note

Do not aim for them big rapidly spinning rear tires, they tend to act just like a Dust Devil and suck you right in and up and over!!!!! and then they spit you out.:11;:11;

Honest Dad himself:6::6:

SWScaleChassis 10/27/14 11:03 AM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
As for Eric and his history.. I've seen him drive in person about as much as I've seen Harli on TV and Videos. He's an aggressive driver, but never has had a history of dirty driving. Needs to tear some more stuff up before he learns some form of patience.

The wreck.. They were trying to transfer into the feature. Harli had the position. Riggins tried to get the spot. Riggins runs all over her in 3 and 4, and loses a LOT of track position. He made that up on the top in 1 and 2, just to mow her down in 3 again. I'd say it was completely deliberate judging by his line choice, and his disregard to her car with the contact.. He's had plenty of seat time to know what was gonna happen with a shot like he pulled.

We'll see how he does in Charlotte with the 410 next week...

KYRON 10/27/14 12:03 PM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?

TQ29m 10/27/14 2:22 PM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
I guess I don't see the place for this post on this website, this is not a judge and or jury, it is peoples perspectives on what they may or may not have seen on a poor video, of a crash on a dark dirt race track, something we have all seen recently. Here's my view, one way or the other, what can be done about what happened, by posting it on this website, plain and simple, do you have an ax to grind, take it up with the track owner, doubt anything can or will be done now, it's over, move on, talk to those involved it you want to carry it further, nothing can be gained by pushing it in front of other people, who weren't involved, other than they saw a video of a wreck, like I said, I don't consider this a place to bring up stuff like this, it gains you nothing, unless your ax is dull, again! Bob

Mbarnes72 10/27/14 3:17 PM

Re: Your thoughts on this Sprint Car crash. Purpose or not?
She passed him on the restart to take the transfer with only a couple of laps to go, rather than trying to go around her knowing how much she has to check up to stay on the bottom he comes from 3-lenghts back and purposefully drives through her with the gas on. Officials also see it this way and DQ him for the rest of the weekend (rightfully). So the real question is this, what is the appropriate punishment for Riggins if that is what the officials saw? I can tell you I wouldn't want to race with this guy on my home track, or for that matter any of my family members to have to race him on any other tracks. He is lucky that was a 90lb girl and not a 410 race in PA, they never would have got out of the parking lot.

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