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SpfldMile 10/13/21 11:03 AM

California small engine ban

This can’t be good for racing. Generators in the pits, or four wheelers to push cars. Any of our California friends care to chime in? I hope it’s not as bad as it sounds.

TQ29m 10/13/21 11:21 AM

Another case of the unknowing making decisions based on what someone else who doesn't know, has made the decision that it is needed, they have no clue how many "small engines " have been built and sold to people who need them to survive.

chrismattlin 10/13/21 12:30 PM

Re: California small engine ban
That should work out for them about as well as banning firearms has.

Will we soon see video evidence of Pelosi and her nephew Gavin Newsom flaunting their own rules here as well?

Meanwhile, in Antarctica, the winter of 2021 was the second-coldest on record, with the temperature for June, July, and August 3.4 degrees Celsius (6.1 degrees Fahrenheit) lower than the 1981 to 2010 average at -62.9 degrees Celsius (-81.2 degrees Fahrenheit).

Yep, "global warming" is upon us. :10:

Austerity on your quality of life is incoming. "Equity" concerning "quality of life" is the agenda, and equity will not be achieved by raising the 3rd World up, but by bringing the 1st World down. You see, the middle classes of the 1st World are far too uppity for their upper-class masters' tastes and are now seen as a danger to be labeled as "terrorists". This is being played out at School Board meetings, of all places.

So, *THE* question is this: will you abide by these edicts to constrict yourself, censor yourself, limit yourself, condemn yourself, and bind yourself, or will you render these edicts null and void?

I suppose I'll add the image of a push lawn mower to my "Come And Take It" flag.

Chief Wahoo 10/13/21 12:52 PM

Re: California small engine ban
I read article about the small engine ban too. Couldn’t find anywhere if those that are currently in use or owned will be grandfathered in? If so there’s going to be a rush to buy them. If not who’s gonna go out and buy a new gas mower or chain saw only to be a ******** in 2 years. I’d say that State has lost it’s mind, but I don’t think it’s ever had one.

Eric Smith 10/13/21 12:59 PM

Re: California small engine ban
It's unfortunate that 99% of Californians give the rest of them a bad name.

captrat 10/13/21 6:49 PM


Originally Posted by chrismattlin (Post 545306)
That should work out for them about as well as banning firearms has.

Will we soon see video evidence of Pelosi and her nephew Gavin Newsom flaunting their own rules here as well?

Meanwhile, in Antarctica, the winter of 2021 was the second-coldest on record, with the temperature for June, July, and August 3.4 degrees Celsius (6.1 degrees Fahrenheit) lower than the 1981 to 2010 average at -62.9 degrees Celsius (-81.2 degrees Fahrenheit).

Yep, "global warming" is upon us. :10:

Austerity on your quality of life is incoming. "Equity" concerning "quality of life" is the agenda, and equity will not be achieved by raising the 3rd World up, but by bringing the 1st World down. You see, the middle classes of the 1st World are far too uppity for their upper-class masters' tastes and are now seen as a danger to be labeled as "terrorists". This is being played out at School Board meetings, of all places.

So, *THE* question is this: will you abide by these edicts to constrict yourself, censor yourself, limit yourself, condemn yourself, and bind yourself, or will you render these edicts null and void?

I suppose I'll add the image of a push lawn mower to my "Come And Take It" flag.

You are welcome to your opinion, but it is possible to express oneself without falling into the abyss of political divisiveness.

CRA91 10/13/21 6:51 PM

Re: California small engine ban
It's because of crap like this and a whole lotta other reasons that i'm planing my escape from this over priced and over populated cesspool at this very moment. California used to be a nice place,but the people that are running it are starting to run it into the ground.

Charles Nungester 10/13/21 7:41 PM

Re: California small engine ban
This isn't political at all. But I could sure go there.

By that time there won't be a sane person left in California.
Most everyone I know from there has left with the few left wanting to leave.

Little known fact is that half them homeless are working class that still work and can no longer afford mortgages.

Darn shame too cause when I was a kid many moved there or wanted to go there.
Not today.

As for generators at the track, I suppose the tracks could wire electric outlets at a significant cost. But the tracks are disappearing too.

ThrowbackRacingTeam 10/13/21 11:41 PM

Unfortunately too much of our stuff comes from China which enters through California. With all these restrictive laws/mandates, our supply line is in jeopardy. Also,Keep an eye on natural gas prices this winter and watch your heat bill skyrocket along with gasoline prices. I see nothing how Democrats are helping the middle class. So far all they’ve done is make my life more expensive while opening the border and embarrassing our country overseas.

chrismattlin 10/14/21 12:24 AM

Re: California small engine ban

Originally Posted by captrat (Post 545318)
You are welcome to your opinion, but it is possible to express oneself without falling into the abyss of political divisiveness.

I love ya my fellow sprint car lover and I'm sorry if I offended you, but I'm also sorry that you believe that anything I said was political. It was not; all of those things I spoke about are not political, but instead affronts on our culture, and our traditions, and our way of life.

Yes, I singled out Pelosi and Newsom and I probably shouldn't have because any recent republican gubernatorial administration in California has been just as bad.

I say we move past boxing ourselves in to party factions and coalesce around what we have in common: love of liberty and the American way of life- the way of life that millions from all around the world aspire to emigrate to. :6:

ISF 10/14/21 9:01 AM

Re: California small engine ban

Originally Posted by CRA91 (Post 545319)
It's because of crap like this and a whole lotta other reasons that i'm planing my escape from this over priced and over populated cesspool at this very moment. California used to be a nice place,but the people that are running it are starting to run it into the ground.

You make no implications as to where it is you're thinking of making your escape to but I wish you safe and satisfying escape. I would caution you not to consider Illinois. As a life long resident I can tell you Illinois is very little better than Cali. Our present governor is a California native and plays "monkey see-monkey do" with California insanity.

My chosen profession demands that I suffer the hellhole that Illinois has become but if not for that we'd be gone in a blink of an eye as thousands have done in recent years. The only things I'd miss are the two dirt miles!!

captrat 10/14/21 9:31 AM


Originally Posted by chrismattlin (Post 545333)
I love ya my fellow sprint car lover and I'm sorry if I offended you, but I'm also sorry that you believe that anything I said was political. It was not; all of those things I spoke about are not political, but instead affronts on our culture, and our traditions, and our way of life.

Yes, I singled out Pelosi and Newsom and I probably shouldn't have because any recent republican gubernatorial administration in California has been just as bad.

I say we move past boxing ourselves in to party factions and coalesce around what we have in common: love of liberty and the American way of life- the way of life that millions from all around the world aspire to emigrate to. :6:

Not offended, my point is that these issues can be discussed civilly without specific political evaluations. Also they often lead to questionable accusations and assumptions from other posters based upon anecdotal evidence.

TQ29m 10/14/21 9:44 AM

Re: California small engine ban
Man it's hard to keep ******** out of it, but my thoughts are why do they make policies, and threats, when they haven't' read what they are proposing, it's easy to say and promise, but the details are far behind the ban, no thought goes into even a good idea, to some, making it easy to regulate comes long after the threat, I'm mid 80's, and have seen a lot, but the future might be too much to bear. I find it hard to believe that we can control the climate, yet they keep promising grandiose results from being able to do it, it can't be done, yes you might be able to regulate some of the particles we breath, but to control the weather, and climate, I don't think so, and who would control it to everyone's satisfaction, I'm satisfied the way it is, it sometimes isn't like I'd have it, but as long as I've been around, I've managed.

PJ Wright 10/14/21 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by captrat (Post 545344)
anecdotal evidence.

What you call 'anecdotal evidence' I refer to as life experience and personal observation.

sw1911 10/14/21 11:34 AM

Re: California small engine ban

Originally Posted by Charles Nungester (Post 545323)
This isn't political at all. But I could sure go there.

By that time there won't be a sane person left in California.
Most everyone I know from there has left with the few left wanting to leave.

Little known fact is that half them homeless are working class that still work and can no longer afford mortgages.

Darn shame too cause when I was a kid many moved there or wanted to go there.
Not today.

As for generators at the track, I suppose the tracks could wire electric outlets at a significant cost. But the tracks are disappearing too.


jdull99 10/14/21 11:59 AM

Re: California small engine ban

Originally Posted by ISF (Post 545342)
You make no implications as to where it is you're thinking of making your escape to but I wish you safe and satisfying escape. I would caution you not to consider Illinois. As a life long resident I can tell you Illinois is very little better than Cali. Our present governor is a California native and plays "monkey see-monkey do" with California insanity.

My chosen profession demands that I suffer the hellhole that Illinois has become but if not for that we'd be gone in a blink of an eye as thousands have done in recent years. The only things I'd miss are the two dirt miles!!

& those of us in the northern part of the state, just have to cross the state line to WI and we can EASILY find gas 35cents/g cheaper than IL! No lie...

ISF 10/14/21 12:34 PM

Re: California small engine ban

Originally Posted by jdull99 (Post 545354)
& those of us in the northern part of the state, just have to cross the state line to WI and we can EASILY find gas 35cents/g cheaper than IL! No lie...

I do not doubt what you say even a little bit and I promise my intention here is not one upmanship. That having been said earlier this year the wife and I took a midsummer trip to Table Rock Lake for a week. On our trip down there immediately upon crossing the river at St. Louis gasoline prices dropped to the tune of .60¢/gal. and as if by magic the roads became 70% better. A few years ago we Illinoisans were promised wonderful roads by our esteemed governor fat bastard (relax, this term is an analogy in reference to a comedic movie character from a couple of decades back) when the legislature DOUBLED the gasoline tax. I won't hold my breath.

Stevensville Mike 10/14/21 8:43 PM

Re: California small engine ban

Originally Posted by Eric Smith (Post 545309)
It's unfortunate that 99% of Californians give the rest of them a bad name.

Thanks, Eric! I needed to piss my pants today laughing!

kinser 10/14/21 8:43 PM


Originally Posted by TQ29m (Post 545346)
Man it's hard to keep ******** out of it, but my thoughts are why do they make policies, and threats, when they haven't' read what they are proposing, it's easy to say and promise, but the details are far behind the ban, no thought goes into even a good idea, to some, making it easy to regulate comes long after the threat, I'm mid 80's, and have seen a lot, but the future might be too much to bear. I find it hard to believe that we can control the climate, yet they keep promising grandiose results from being able to do it, it can't be done, yes you might be able to regulate some of the particles we breath, but to control the weather, and climate, I don't think so, and who would control it to everyone's satisfaction, I'm satisfied the way it is, it sometimes isn't like I'd have it, but as long as I've been around, I've managed.

They just need to tax us more and they can fix “ Climate Change” 🙄

revjimk 10/14/21 10:51 PM

Re: California small engine ban

Originally Posted by chrismattlin (Post 545306)
That should work out for them about as well as banning firearms has.

Will we soon see video evidence of Pelosi and her nephew Gavin Newsom flaunting their own rules here as well?

Meanwhile, in Antarctica, the winter of 2021 was the second-coldest on record, with the temperature for June, July, and August 3.4 degrees Celsius (6.1 degrees Fahrenheit) lower than the 1981 to 2010 average at -62.9 degrees Celsius (-81.2 degrees Fahrenheit).

Yep, "global warming" is upon us. :10:

Austerity on your quality of life is incoming. "Equity" concerning "quality of life" is the agenda, and equity will not be achieved by raising the 3rd World up, but by bringing the 1st World down. You see, the middle classes of the 1st World are far too uppity for their upper-class masters' tastes and are now seen as a danger to be labeled as "terrorists". This is being played out at School Board meetings, of all places.

So, *THE* question is this: will you abide by these edicts to constrict yourself, censor yourself, limit yourself, condemn yourself, and bind yourself, or will you render these edicts null and void?

I suppose I'll add the image of a push lawn mower to my "Come And Take It" flag.

Nobody in ANY state has proposed "banning firearms"
If its so cold, why are the glaciers melting???
You claim your comments are not political..... BS
But I would be very surprised if this idea actually was passed as a law, too impractical. Extremists of any party can propose whatever they want, doesn't mean its gonna happen

Charles Nungester 10/14/21 11:06 PM

Re: California small engine ban

Originally Posted by revjimk (Post 545374)
Nobody in ANY state has proposed "banning firearms"
If its so cold, why are the glaciers melting???
You claim your comments are not political..... BS
But I would be very surprised if this idea actually was passed as a law, too impractical. Extremists of any party can propose whatever they want, doesn't mean its gonna happen

Just one question, Without a ice age, Why wouldn't glaciers melt? Sun alone would take out a significant portion each year, just as your ice cycles melt in the day even though it's still below freezing outside.

flagboy55 10/14/21 11:36 PM

I’m not afraid to get bluntly political, especially since this thread has gone there anyway. And I won’t apologize if it offends anyone. And if our moderator takes it down I’m ok with that too.
Anyone who would acknowledge Nancy Pelosi as a servant of the people, and not an ultra corrupt swamp dwelling politician, is not of sound mind. And I agree with Charles on his last post

jdull99 10/15/21 1:47 AM

Re: California small engine ban

Originally Posted by revjimk (Post 545374)
Nobody in ANY state has proposed "banning firearms"
If its so cold, why are the glaciers melting???
You claim your comments are not political..... BS
But I would be very surprised if this idea actually was passed as a law, too impractical. Extremists of any party can propose whatever they want, doesn't mean its gonna happen

Cuz all the ice is building in Antarctica...

revjimk 10/15/21 1:51 AM

Re: California small engine ban

Originally Posted by Charles Nungester (Post 545376)
Just one question, Without a ice age, Why wouldn't glaciers melt? Sun alone would take out a significant portion each year, just as your ice cycles melt in the day even though it's still below freezing outside.

This isn't a little bit of daily melting. Glaciers that have existed for centuries are DISAPPEARING :15:

revjimk 10/15/21 1:57 AM

Re: California small engine ban

Originally Posted by jdull99 (Post 545381)
Cuz all the ice is building in Antarctica...

Lets see some evidence...

revjimk 10/15/21 1:58 AM

Re: California small engine ban

Originally Posted by Charles Nungester (Post 545376)
Just one question, Without a ice age, Why wouldn't glaciers melt? Sun alone would take out a significant portion each year, just as your ice cycles melt in the day even though it's still below freezing outside.

revjimk 10/15/21 2:04 AM

Re: California small engine ban

Originally Posted by jdull99 (Post 545381)
Cuz all the ice is building in Antarctica...

PJ Wright 10/15/21 6:21 AM

The same breed of intellectual elitists that have brought about world peace, eliminated poverty, and cured the common cold are now going to fix the atmosphere. What could go wrong?

ThrowbackRacingTeam 10/15/21 8:47 AM

Ban on race cars coming soon

jonboat15 10/15/21 9:49 AM

Re: California small engine ban

Originally Posted by Charles Nungester (Post 545376)
Just one question, Without a ice age, Why wouldn't glaciers melt? Sun alone would take out a significant portion each year, just as your ice cycles melt in the day even though it's still below freezing outside.

Good luck arguing with that guy, he always has to get the last word in.:10:

Charles Nungester 10/15/21 10:21 AM

Re: California small engine ban
Im not saying climate change isn't happening. Im saying it's always happening. The Klondike was a tropical swampland at one point. the Grand Canyon has been under ocean eleven times. There isn't very many countries in the world that have cleaned up their act like the USA. So we are supposed to bend over backwards, Pay more for everything. Create electrical shortages and outages while China and India pollute unchecked. OK. where's my cliff, I'll jump.

Joe Schaub 10/15/21 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by SpfldMile (Post 545303)

This can’t be good for racing. Generators in the pits, or four wheelers to push cars. Any of our California friends care to chime in? I hope it’s not as bad as it sounds.

One good thing is now that California is taking themselves out of the small engine market, we can go back to traditional chainsaws, manual chokes on lawn mowers and no need for DPF, DOC and DEF on our compact tractors. California mandated a lot of this crap. Being they are the largest consumer market in the country, the OEM's didn't want to build California only models. The OEM's instead pushed that stuff onto all of us (remember the gas can fiasco) and we had to take it. Now we should be free from it all.

captrat 10/15/21 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by PJ Wright (Post 545350)
What you call 'anecdotal evidence' I refer to as life experience and personal observation.

Thanks for supporting my point, experience and observation are not based upon scientific principles unless they are conducted over a long period of time in a controlled manner.

PJ Wright 10/15/21 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by captrat (Post 545398)
Thanks for supporting my point, experience and observation are not based upon scientific principles unless they are conducted over a long period of time in a controlled manner.

Yup, no need for anybody to think for themselves anymore. That's the government's job, right captrap?

sw1911 10/15/21 11:47 AM

Re: California small engine ban

Originally Posted by revjimk (Post 545382)
This isn't a little bit of daily melting. Glaciers that have existed for centuries are DISAPPEARING :15:

The earth is typically either slowly warming or slowly cooling. A friend reminds me in the large scope of things we are in a small warming period between two ice ages.

jdull99 10/15/21 11:50 AM

Re: California small engine ban

captrat 10/15/21 2:51 PM


Originally Posted by PJ Wright (Post 545399)
Yup, no need for anybody to think for themselves anymore. That's the government's job, right captrap?

Think you just turned logic and reason on its head.

PJ Wright 10/15/21 3:15 PM


Originally Posted by captrat (Post 545406)
Think you just turned logic and reason on its head.

Ever hear of sarcasm? Tell you what: You feel free to continue consulting countless government experts, conducting exhaustive research, and examining piles of empirical data and I'll continue living by what has worked so well for me and my family and friends.

yeleyfan76 10/15/21 8:22 PM

Re: California small engine ban

Originally Posted by jonboat15 (Post 545392)
Good luck arguing with that guy, he always has to get the last word in.:10:

Ding Ding Ding!!!! This is the quote of the millennium. Could not be more spot on. He actually whined a year or so ago about not liking to be challenged on his points and was gonna quit posting. I guess the high of always getting the last word in is too much for him. Thx for for the laugh jonboat.

captrat 10/16/21 9:50 AM


Originally Posted by PJ Wright (Post 545409)
Ever hear of sarcasm? Tell you what: You feel free to continue consulting countless government experts, conducting exhaustive research, and examining piles of empirical data and I'll continue living by what has worked so well for me and my family and friends.

Will do, like to base opinions and decisions based on objective evidence as opposed to emotion and heresay.

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