Actually you brought up the only legitimate concern, how will the racing be. I am looking forward to going back to Paragon this year. I am looking forward to seeing the improvements they have made. Unless they have bought more land, I don't see them as able to host a SprintWeek date. Just not enough room. I also don't think going to Paragon would create any real growth to the event, but maybe a thing to do in the future.
Yes, the set up is different at IMS, but to me it is not really any more inconvenient than anywhere else. It is just different. I adapt to every tracks rules and ways of doing things. Then I figure out the best way for me to enjoy myself.
Originally Posted by BrentTFunk:
Actually you brought up the only legitimate concern, how will the racing be. I am looking forward to going back to Paragon this year. I am looking forward to seeing the improvements they have made. Unless they have bought more land, I don't see them as able to host a SprintWeek date. Just not enough room. I also don't think going to Paragon would create any real growth to the event, but maybe a thing to do in the future.
Yes, the set up is different at IMS, but to me it is not really any more inconvenient than anywhere else. It is just different. I adapt to every tracks rules and ways of doing things. Then I figure out the best way for me to enjoy myself.
Be prepared to be pleasantly surprised with Paragon Brent.
PJ, you’re right, it is a good philosophy. Brent has a lot of them. Mine is different. I check the parameters of the rule’s of the track and then decide if I want to adapt. Kinda the same but different.