Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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  #11 9/11/14 2:01 PM
Originally Posted by dirt330:
Brian, would like to play but don't have a team. Is any teams looking for one player ? If so I would like to sign-up. Let me know , IOW has made it possible for me to meet many great fans.
Yes I am looking for one person call me at 765 720 7884 thanks Rusty
dirt330 (Offline)
  #12 9/11/14 8:24 PM
Originally Posted by RATHER B RACING:
Yes I am looking for one person call me at 765 720 7884 thanks Rusty
Talked with Rusty Giles and playing on his team. Thanks Mike C. DIRT330
Likes: Mrs G
dirt330 (Offline)
  #13 9/12/14 7:15 PM
How many teams have signed up ? Hope this is well supported . We all have Bill G. to thank for all he did for open wheel racing.
jaybird (Offline)
  #14 9/12/14 11:15 PM
Will anyone be collecting donations at tss tomorrow. If so who and where at? I'll be going in the pits. Might be a good night for it.
Jerry Shaw (Offline)
  #15 9/13/14 1:00 AM
Originally Posted by jaybird:
Will anyone be collecting donations at tss tomorrow. If so who and where at? I'll be going in the pits. Might be a good night for it.
I won't be in the pits, but I will definitely at at Haubstadt tomorrow. If anybody's interested in contributing to Bill's golf outing just PM me and I'll give you a number to reach me at and I'll make sure your donation gets to Shondra or Brian.


A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.

Winston Churchill
jaybird (Offline)
  #16 9/14/14 3:13 AM
Jerry, thanks for meeting me at TSS hope everyone on IOW gets a chance to contribute a little, that's all you need. Hope the golf outing goes well.Wish I was able to play this year but my shoulder isn't good enough yet. But I will try next year for sure. Thanks again.
Likes: Mrs G
brian2h (Offline)
  #17 9/15/14 7:40 AM
we ended up with 14 teams great cause and gonna be a fun day in memory of a awesome guy! always room for more donations lol thanks.
2 Likes: dirt330, jaybird
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