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3/9/09, 8:02 PM   #41
Re: Greg Staab Q&A on
Charles Nungester
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wrong thread LOL
Charles Nungester
Last edited by Charles Nungester; 3/9/09 at 9:15 PM.
3/9/09, 8:56 PM   #42
Re: Greg Staab Q&A on
DonMoore10 is offline
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That was a great post, Crankin. Fees, fees and more fees. Along with tire deals, it's killing the sport while the org trailers and number of personnel get bigger and bigger...
3/9/09, 9:30 PM   #43
Re: Greg Staab Q&A on
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Originally Posted by Charles Nungester View Post
Kevin has repeatedly stated that he is open to questions. His Email is on the USAC site. He also has a user name in the users list here.

Unadultered bashing is getting kinda old, Not to mention he kinda inherited the champ car situation.

While I don't agree with him removing Staab as many don't. Whats your real beef? Look forward........................> That way
My beef is that USAC will not answer questions unless they know they can spin bullsh*t to make it sound like it's never their fault. USAC has screwed up AOWR and has been screwing it up since 1961. It's not just what they recently have been screwing up.

Kevin will not answer my questions that I have sent him in a very nice and courteous manner through the USAC site.
3/9/09, 9:48 PM   #44
Re: Greg Staab Q&A on
IndyBound is offline
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Guys, started a new thread if you want to continue to rehash everything that is wrong with USAC. I believe Kevin Oldham started this thread to make the IOW community aware of the fact that he did an interview with Greg. He did a great job and if you have never read the interview with Eric Gordon, he also did a great job on that one as well. Return this thread to talking about Greg's accomplishments in auto racing. And praise both Kevin and Greg on a great interview.

3/13/09, 12:00 PM   #45
Re: Greg Staab Q&A on
SPRINTCAR is offline
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3/13/09, 5:22 PM   #46
Re: Greg Staab Q&A on
midnightrider is offline

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Excellent job as usual, Kevin. That also brought back a lot of good memories. Definitely on par with the Eric Gordon and Jack Hewitt interviews.
3/14/09, 1:13 AM   #47
Re: Greg Staab Q&A on
IndyBound is offline
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I haven't read the Jack Hewitt interview yet, since you say Greg's interview is on par with both Hewitt's and Gordon's I will have to put that on my to read list. I found both Greg Staab's and Eric Gordon's interviews excellent reading, job well done Kevin.

3/18/09, 5:51 PM   #48
Re: Greg Staab Q&A on
IndyBound is offline
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Kevin, I just finished reading the Jiggs Thomason interview, at the end I felt like a man I have never met was a life long friend. Two statements Jiggs made jumped out at me, first one "And let me tell you, dust, in my opinion, will run people away from a dirt track quicker than anything. Even though that's dirt track racing, they don't like it." The second one "I just don't think you can lose a dirt track and ever bring one back." There he was talking about a dirt track closing not losing the track surface. With Manzy closing that statement hit close to home for me. Some thing else I learned from your interview Jiggs and I share the same philosophy in life, "I don't treat anybody any different than I'd want to be treatred myself." I cann't tell you how many times I have said the same thing, only I add that I won't say something behind someones back that I won't say to their face. I really enjoyed all three of your interviews, keep up the good work.

4/19/09, 12:56 PM   #49
Re: Greg Staab Q&A on
Sprint Car Racing Fan
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I know this is an old thread, but I just read the interview today. Great Job. :applaud:
I remember Greg running Bloomington and winning the Championship in '84 -- not seen him forever. Actually, lost track of him as I became less involved with racing and more involved with my children's sports. Great to see he is still involved. I'm starting to get back to racing, at least attending more races, hope to see him around.
4/20/09, 9:01 AM   #50
Re: Greg Staab Q&A on
Gifford G Solem
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Originally Posted by bullringko View Post
Hello all!

I never like to toot my own horn, but I just wanted to inform everyone that I have a lengthy Question and Answer interview with former USAC driver and official Greg Staab posted on

I spent many a month working on this project so I figured I had better let interested parties know that it is available for public consumption. Fair warning though, it's over 80 pages of text so it might take more than one sitting to get through the entire piece.

The direct link is

Thank you!
Kevin Oldham
Thank you, Kevin. Read all 138 pages and it was excellent reporting. If you can ever adapt to fine wine and cheese, you can replace Economaki when he hangs it up.
Giffr Solem
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