Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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bigpimpin35 (Offline)
  #41 2/17/11 10:03 PM
top 4 transfer I'm assuming?
Sandy Lowe (Offline)
  #42 2/17/11 10:10 PM
As per the entry the top 4 advance through the heats. The fastest 6 heat transfers invert at the front of the feature. The line-up should be Clauson, Stanbrough, Jones, East, Gardner and Schuerenberg.
4 Likes: bigpimpin35, skids59, SprintManDave, wildman92
Jerry Shaw (Offline)
  #43 2/17/11 10:11 PM
Clauson Stanbrough
Jones East
Gardner Schuerenberg

Should be the first three rows. That'd be a race I sure would like to see.


A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.

Winston Churchill
Likes: jim goerge
rrc (Offline)
  #44 2/17/11 10:12 PM
amen Jerry....
bigpimpin35 (Offline)
  #45 2/17/11 10:17 PM
yes it would be nice to watch those fellas duke it out in the florida weather, but my bank account would not permit of such a vacation meanwhile, ill wait on the rest of the snow to melt and the gas city opener i suppose
VSneader2 (Offline)
  #46 2/17/11 10:19 PM
any one know what the crowd is like down there?
racegal (Offline)
  #47 2/17/11 10:21 PM
How did Dave D qualify? Thank you!
Thank you for all the updates everyone!!

DD FAN-atic!! Susan St. Catherine
God bless America and our troops
ronmil (Offline)
  #48 2/17/11 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by racegal:
How did Dave D qualify? Thank you!
Thank you for all the updates everyone!!
I was wondering the same thing.

Ron Miller
Likes: racegal
Jerry Shaw (Offline)
  #49 2/17/11 10:29 PM

A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.

Winston Churchill
Fred Zirzow (Offline)
  #50 2/17/11 10:29 PM
it's on..

Fred Zirzow
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