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  #51 7/23/11 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by treecitytornado:
I promise everyone could save more money and have a tire that would last forever with an American Racer MC2 or MC3.
Posted via Mobile Device

Originally Posted by R A K:
Good post, Jason.
My question ... does a fresh (brand new) DT3 of today durameter the same as a fresh DT3 of say a few years ago? ... or have they "changed" ...
Ya think?

Originally Posted by dustbowl:
The tires are the same that they always have been, its just cars are being run harder, hooked up better, motors are better, etc. Tracks have also seemed to be more abrasive this year, especially Lawrenceburg. The biggest problem with DT3's is they lose their sharp edges fairly quickly. I think we would be better off running the standard D25 as a spec right rear, the edges and tire seem to hold up better and the compound is identical to that of the DT3, so its not like it is soft.
Tires the same, motors better?

Originally Posted by lovindirt:
I do know this much , when the DT3 was not a manditory track tire, it was the cheapest tire you could get, and now its up there with the rest on price. And they used to last alot longer, but I in my openion think that Hoosier decided that they would change them some so they would wear out faster so they could sell more, and make up the difference that they pay the tracks. JMO and JMO only. But as I said this is what I believe. Jeff
  #52 7/24/11 3:14 PM
So if the hoosier is a manditory tire at almost all tracks where does that leave Goodyear and American Racer, should they jump on board and say hey I will give you 6000.00 to make my tire the spec. tire or should they just fold up in Indiana business in racing tires. This is america and it was at one time here in AMERICA freedom of choice.Were getting to where Capital hill don't listen and indiana politicians don't listen, where will we be next. People work hard to try and get tire deals and tire sponsors just to be kicked in the face and be stuck with this. Why can't we all work together come up with a compound that is fair for all, and then open it up to all and Hell you don't have to be a rocket scientist to durometor a tire and surely the tracks can afford a durometor. At the local tracks its all they would have to check, everything elso is open anyways right, Engines, weight, injection its all open, even the age almost at some tracks. Besides it makes more used tires available to use who can't afford a new one having to find good used DT3's JMO Jeff

---------- Post added at 03:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:46 PM ----------

Sounds to me you get a deal on American's and that's your big ***** !!

One last question.. Why is it I never seem to see say John Stanbrough, Dave Darland or any of the other top dog's on here bitchen?? Just the wanna be's and the have not's.

Done with my rant !!

Thank's James Sandberg AKA Chuy[/QUOTE]

CHUY funny you mention them names, the ones who can drive for and do drive for teams who can put a new RR on everytime it hits the track. I assume you wanted a response to your comment. your Friend Jeff[COLOR="Black"]
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Dannypollock24 (Offline)
  #53 7/24/11 3:59 PM
About time to kill this topic! Way to many stupid comments here from guys that have no clue!

Oh by the way since some say DT3 tires are junk after a race and no longer competitive I suggest you go ask Tate and Darland how they were able to Win on a USED DT3 Last night!

DT3 Works and has been Deal with it cause it's not going anywhere and the topic is old!

Danny 24
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