Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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bigvee (Offline)
  #1 7/13/14 8:47 AM
I guess I'll go to church and pray for good weather before I start the 3 1/2 hour drive to the track.
3 Likes: Danny Burton, Photochick, rachasin
Gregg (Offline)
  #2 7/13/14 8:53 AM
Approaching 9AM here 15 minutes from the track and it is cloudy but dry. Hoping we get a repeat of Kokomo Sat. night weather.
Charles Nungester (Offline)
  #3 7/13/14 10:41 AM
IDK whats going to happen

On my way, Know many who are already there and many more that are on the road.

Hope and pray for a complete show. See you there!

Charles Nungester
Phylo82 (Offline)
  #4 7/13/14 11:30 AM
Not raining here but you could cut the air with a knife......downright muggy out there.

Phil Heil
#13e Maxim Sprint
Owner, Crew Chief, Pit Crew, Hauler, Check Writer, Grunt
Gregg (Offline)
  #5 7/13/14 12:01 PM
Noon update from same location. Sun is shining with the 3 Hs (Hazy, Hot and Humid). Phil is absolutely correct. I probably sweated 10 pounds off cutting grass earlier but I'm not complaining.
2 Likes: FishBurger, Phylo82
Phylo82 (Offline)
  #6 7/13/14 12:20 PM
Good strategy Gregg, sweat off some pounds and make room for beer later.

Phil Heil
#13e Maxim Sprint
Owner, Crew Chief, Pit Crew, Hauler, Check Writer, Grunt
3 Likes: FishBurger, Gregg, jim goerge
FishBurger (Offline)
  #7 7/13/14 12:59 PM
Not sure what to think here at 1:00 p.m. 1.3 miles from The 'Burg. Clouds have gone from scattered fluffy white to heavy and somewhat ominously dark. 91 degrees and NO RAIN (as yet). Hoping all my weather sources (NOAH, local TV, the Weather Channel, and MSN) are wrong with their 70% severe storm predictions.
3 Likes: i love dirt track racing, jim goerge, RacinBabe
ronmil (Offline)
  #8 7/13/14 1:02 PM
I hate when the weather conditions are like this. I have a nearly four hour drive, and the prediction is for severe storms to hit about the time I would arrive. May sit this one out!

Ron Miller
Likes: jim goerge
coachrandy (Offline)
  #9 7/13/14 1:05 PM
Headed to the track rain or shine....hoping for the best, brought plenty of clothes in case it goes to tomorrow....
Likes: FishBurger
mc/rider (Offline)
  #10 7/13/14 1:14 PM
Intellicast shows 50% at race time.Id rather drive to a rain out than sit on the couch,especially with the quality of the last two shows.Great racing and condiments to.WOW

When in doubt Gas It
2 Likes: FishBurger, PIT CART
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