Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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zman30 (Offline)
  #1 10/3/10 9:59 AM
Congratulations on your win at VCS. Both of you and Justin and Karl certainly deserve this win. I don't know of any team that works harder and cares more than all of you. This is but the first of many more wins.

Ron Ziesemer
Likes: billwill7
I Miss Manzy (Offline)
  #2 10/3/10 2:08 PM
Congrats to Justin and the Baldwin team ! Any chance that after the Oval Nats at Perris,you'll do a 360 and run the Western World in Tucson?
mowerman (Offline)
  #3 10/3/10 3:18 PM
Congratulations on your win.
Likes: billwill7
EldoraMark (Offline)
  #4 10/3/10 5:05 PM
Way to go Justin. We new it was just a matter of time for that first one.

Mark Fritz
Likes: billwill7
  #5 10/4/10 1:17 AM
congrats Justin and the Baldwin team. Keep gassin er up kid!!!!!!
Likes: billwill7
AustinSprinter (Offline)
  #6 10/4/10 6:30 AM
Congrats to Justin....and Team!...from two ole' Ca. guys at B'fast after ChiliBowl at Tul. Select...who bent ur ear a few min..........
Likes: billwill7
batch56 (Offline)
  #7 10/4/10 8:56 AM
Congrats to Justin. Karl. Ray. Kenny. and Margo on your win! I knew that the hard work would pay off.

Mark Batcheldor
Likes: billwill7
Sawdust101 (Offline)
  #8 10/4/10 1:49 PM
Way to go Baldwin Team and your hot shoe driver Justin Grant. Keep it going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Likes: billwill7
Tim Grant (Offline)
  #9 10/4/10 2:02 PM
Chiming in here on this topic.

I've gotten the chance to meet Ken and Margo and spend some time with them in Lafayette, and on the road racing. Ken and Margo are two of the finest people I've met in racing, and I can not express my appreciation in words for what they have done for Justin.

They took a chance on Justin and have stuck with him through thick and thin. That says a lot for the character of a car owner these days, especially a car owner that is paying the bills.

This win has lifted a lot of weight off the shoulders of that team.

No one works harder than Justin and "Karl" Claxton. They are out experienced in every race. Ken and Margo continue to give them what they need to gain experience and be competitive.

Just wanted to express my appreciation to Ken and Margo for what they do as car owners, and what they are doing to support Justin on and off the track.

Congrats on the win!!!! You guys deserve it........

Tim Grant
5 Likes: billwill7, cgmotorsports12, FishBurger, Kirk Spridgeon, mowerman
Kirk Spridgeon (Offline)
  #10 10/4/10 2:08 PM
Amen! Can't say thank-you enough to Kenny & Margo for proving that there are still car owners out there who are willing to take a chance on a young gasser without experience or a big check. For any kid that thinks they're doing all they can to make it as a race car driver, talk to Justin Grant and see if you get a little bit of perspective on it. The Baldwins deserve many more wins for their support of Justin & Derek Claxton. And I think this is the first of many in that department...
4 Likes: billwill7, cgmotorsports12, FishBurger, mowerman
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