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#1Brad Kuhn Fan (Offline)
  #1 12/2/07 10:42 PM
just wondering how everything is going,or if they have even started on the track yet.......
thanks: Devin Fairchild

Devin Fairchild

"{If You Find Your Self Upside Down,That Means You Went Over The Edge}"

"{Dont Let The Fear of Flipping Get In The Way Of Winning}"
Charles Nungester (Offline)
  #2 12/2/07 11:53 PM
We've had so much rain, I doubt much if anything is happening or will happen till mid week


Charles Nungester
cecil98 (Offline)
  #3 12/3/07 7:30 AM
i was down there last week and they had torn all of the catch fencing down and were preparing to tear down the main grandstand wall. no dirt had been moved as of that time.
Charles Nungester (Offline)
  #4 12/13/07 2:58 PM
I'll tell you what, The weather has me more than a little concerned, Im sure they had planned to move some earth prior to the end of this year but several inches of rain and a couple snows with 6 inches forcasted for this weekend has me worried they won't turn any earth till the end of febuary.

Chuck, maybe Uncle Dave or Gramps Fish could update us

Charles Nungester
Dave Rudisell (Offline)
  #5 12/13/07 5:41 PM
Chuck, Work on the new track has been going on for over a year now.
It takes time to get all the permits and enginnering completed. The easy part of the project is building it. The dirt work will be delayed due to weather which we expected. With dirt work being more advanced these days and the compaction equiptment available it does'nt take long to get things done. In the coming months things will be taking shape and you and everyone will be impressed. We are not talking about some people just moving some dirt around and building a racetrack. We have a hired firm designing and overseeing the project. The company builds tracks all across the country. Musco lighting is coming in and doing the new lighting and another outfit is doing the walls and fences. Building speedways is what they do.
I can't wait for the 2008 season.
Thanks, Dave
Charles Nungester (Offline)
  #6 12/13/07 5:46 PM
Again thanks, I've always said I was excited, Just a little concerned for early season races as I've made plans to attend almost all Burg Races next year even working twelve hour days all weekend

Charles Nungester
Dave Rudisell (Offline)
  #7 12/13/07 6:08 PM
Chuck, Even if the track is ready or not, since you plan on making the early dates, we will have you working on something........
Maybe cleaning the toilets? or how bout being the official beer taster?
seriously, With constuction you never know what may happen, track could be ready to go in feb. or might not be ready at all, you just never know. I like to think positive and hope for the best, because really that is all you can do. Its out of all of our hands and in the hands of the contractors. Maybe you can stop by and give them a coffee with some steroids in it.
Take care, Dave
ThrottleHead (Offline)
  #8 12/13/07 7:23 PM
I do like the facilities that have all lighting for the track facing AWAY from the grandstands. Keeps the glare out of folks' eyes that way. Hopefully this will be utilized at the Burg. I look forward to going back more in 08!!
Dwight Clock (Offline)
  #9 12/13/07 7:31 PM
Originally Posted by Dave Rudisell:
Chuck, Even if the track is ready or not, since you plan on making the early dates, we will have you working on something........
Maybe cleaning the toilets? or how bout being the official beer taster?
seriously, With constuction you never know what may happen, track could be ready to go in feb. or might not be ready at all, you just never know. I like to think positive and hope for the best, because really that is all you can do. Its out of all of our hands and in the hands of the contractors. Maybe you can stop by and give them a coffee with some steroids in it.
Take care, Dave
Hey, Dave - since you are offering jobs I want to apply for the position of security guard for the 50/50 girl. No pay required. After all, someone has to protect her from that bunch in Section A. :rolling::kookoo2::rolling:
Pat O'Connor Fan (Offline)
  #10 12/13/07 7:45 PM
Originally Posted by Dwight Clock:
Hey, Dave - since you are offering jobs I want to apply for the position of security guard for the 50/50 girl. No pay required. After all, someone has to protect her from that bunch in Section A. :rolling::kookoo2::rolling:
Yeah, and Dave will have the fox guarding the hen house!!:applaud:
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