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raceway video
  #21 7/17/11 5:44 PM
I wish we had that problem out here in CA
Likes: mowerman
tomkat (Offline)
  #22 7/17/11 5:48 PM
JMHO, after 40 years of racing and chasing, but anything down before the gates open to everyone should be removed ... period ... once the gates open, its fair game and mark off what you want, but if you are found to mark off double, or the seats in front of you to 'control' your leg room, etc .. security should make a quick round and ask you to remove your 'excess' prior to the first event ...

... also, seats should be cleared prior to ticket gates opening on EACH day of multi-day events ... again, JMHO
9 Likes: Bruce Harrison, interpreter66, pletchfan, spicoli, Sprints!, Stagger, sw1911, TNRustler, Xflagman
Jonr (Offline)
  #23 7/17/11 6:28 PM
I am not a fan of taping down the blankets. The easiest solution is reserved seating. If giving the choice, I will always pay for reserved seating.

If I was a promoter, I would think that this would be a problem that they would want to fix. I have a limited supply of seats. I am counting the number of people that come through the front gate trying to determine how many seats to sell. However, I have a certain percentage of people paying for pit passes and then marking off seats in the stands. I have also been to the track where the person with the taped off seat sat in it for all of two races. That is a horrible use of the tracks resources. The casual fan has to sit in a horrible seat, and will never come back.
2 Likes: sw1911, Xflagman
TRUCKER D (Offline)
  #24 7/17/11 7:01 PM
we got to brownstown when the gates opened went and found a seat put a blanket down and went to the pits came back for the heats and found no blanket
Bill Gardner (Offline)
  #25 7/17/11 7:52 PM

Some of you will get it... others... well, nevermind.

10 Likes: ColoradoFan, cowboyhar69, Dave Rudisell, LPS Insider, mowerman, Mud Packer, pletchfan, RadRacer, SCOTT M, The Old Coyote
pletchfan (Offline)
  #26 7/17/11 8:09 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Gardner:

Some of you will get it... others... well, nevermind.
LOVE THIS, it is a GREAT lesson for all of us... Thanks Bill.
Stagger (Offline)
  #27 7/17/11 9:13 PM
I think Gas City has to be one of the worst. At least they are not falling down or have broken boards but are the weirdest seats I have ever sat my track bleecher worn butt in.

They need to do the same thing that Kokomo did at Sprint Week.
After every race at GC they need to rip up any thing left over that is marking a seat. I swear some stay marked over the winter.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for saving 5 or 6 seats and usually my friends or I show up early "on the same day" to do just that.

I am not one to watch the mods or bombers. I would rather hit the parking lot and have a coldie and BS with folks. When we hear the Sprinters fire off we hurray back. So marking some seats is crucial.

I am all up for nothing being marked till the gates open. Makes it pretty fair. After the races take it all up and start fresh for the next show.

For the BIG SHOWS? for those that have to work all day and show up at
6 and did not have someone save a space? I have to say sorry for your luck. You just have to take a day or 1/2 day off and join the party.
6 Likes: Charles Nungester, FishBurger, Hubie, interpreter66, jim goerge, rclaridge
  #28 7/17/11 9:28 PM
People have always saved seats, and I have never heard complaints about it til this thread. The people that sit in those seats are the ones that keep the tracks and racers going during the rest of the year, financially and moral support wise. I personally have never saved a seat for myself but have always respected the ones that do, even when they are late or unable to show up. I feel like a guest at their place because I know those are the ones that have done a lot more for racing than I ever will. I have seen more and more disrespect for tradition at the races this year, more than ever. I was almost knocked over at Kokomo during the national anthem and at Gas City some guy felt the need to order a beer during the prayer. Nothing against beer, but can't people stand still and quiet for a few moments when most people are taking a moment to be thankful they can be there and pray for safety?
Likes: rclaridge
Mud Packer (Offline)
  #29 7/17/11 9:52 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Gardner:

Some of you will get it... others... well, nevermind.
Classic Bill. Thanks for the reminder.


Be nice to people on the way up. You might need them on the way down. Jimmy Durante
lazyifoto (Offline)
  #30 7/18/11 3:32 AM
People taping blankets down really P!ss me off because I have a set of bucket seats out of a 68 GTO that we carry up into the grand stands and we like to sit in the same spot in turn 1 every week. And the people in there little puny bleacher seats get in the way of my feet and 32qt cooler....get a life ya'll .
4 Likes: interpreter66, jim goerge, mowerman, Mud Packer
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