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Todd Kimmel (Offline)
  #11 1/11/12 5:47 PM
Didn't even think of the density side of things. Guess that's why I just stick to driving. Thanks for clarifying though.

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dustbowl (Offline)
  #12 1/11/12 6:57 PM
For the energy equivalency of one gallon of gasoline you need two gallons of methanol and 1.5 gallons of ethanol thus meaning it is more efficient thus requiring less fuel to do the same task and you will be shocked to find out how much less they use. And any fuel system that can handle methanol can handle ethanol methanol is more corrosive.

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dustbowl (Offline)
  #13 1/11/12 7:21 PM
Haha and if knowing and stating the facts and being informative makes me an idiot what does that make you? I personally could care less if I ever see another crown race but if you are a crown fan as you state you aren't being very true by refusing to go because of the fuel they run. You wouldn't have a clue what they are running from the stands.

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  #14 1/11/12 7:31 PM
Go to stockcar racing cause you dont fit in openwheel and people like u ruin racing

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burndown (Offline)
  #15 1/11/12 7:35 PM
well your all wrong
burndown (Offline)
  #16 1/11/12 7:46 PM
well I have tested at raceway park ran on dyno whats your claim to fame.
racephoto1 (Offline)
  #17 1/11/12 8:06 PM
Well for years USAC has tried to kill this series, look at the history. Maybe they'll be successful this time. Time will tell.

Also, ethanol isn't all bad. Ask Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, and guys like that.
3 Likes: AJFrancis21, Mud Packer, Todd Kimmel
dustbowl (Offline)
  #18 1/11/12 8:07 PM
Calistoga, clearly you don't have a silver crown car, so this topic is totally irrelevant to you, and if you want to get into a pissing match about who contributes more to open wheel racing, then you are probably barking up the wrong tree kid. I don't see them instituting an ethanol rule at Paragon anytime soon, so I would say you are in the clear. If not, there is always Calistoga! I don't think anyone is going to really care if you are at a race or not truthfully, you are proving your intelligence and maturity on a public forum. You have absolutely no idea what is going on, sit in the stands, enjoy yourself, if you don't have anything intelligent to say be seen and not heard, and I certainly would go to stock car racing given the opportunity, I would say Frankie Kerr is doing alright. You don't belong in the pits around a racecar, and i'm not sure if you even belong at a track.
Likes: koolaid89
I Miss Manzy (Offline)
  #19 1/11/12 8:32 PM
[QUOTE=dustbowl;267326]The price per gallon may be a little more but you will use half the fuel.
Actually,you will use twice as much fuel.The reason is that alcohol, in any variety, contains about half the heat energy of gasoilne. It also takes a lot of spark to light it off,which is why it is so resistant to detonation.
JordanBlanton (Offline)
  #20 1/11/12 8:34 PM
[quote=I Miss Manzy;267369]
Originally Posted by dustbowl:
The price per gallon may be a little more but you will use half the fuel.
Actually,you will use twice as much fuel.The reason is that alcohol, in any variety, contains about half the heat energy of gasoilne. It also takes a lot of spark to light it off,which is why it is so resistant to detonation.
I believe the comparison was with methanol, not gasoline.
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