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Puddin33 (Offline)
  #51 6/9/13 11:09 AM
I will prolly say from now on this will be a race at Tri-State every year Sure hope so anyway!!

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Likes: Jhouts06
Jhouts06 (Offline)
  #52 6/9/13 12:05 PM
Thanks to those who took the time to give updates and comment on the race, it is greatly appreciated.

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3wide (Offline)
  #53 6/9/13 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Jhouts06:
Thanks to those who took the time to give updates and comment on the race, it is greatly appreciated.

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No problem.

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Likes: Jhouts06
Hamby812 (Offline)
  #54 6/9/13 12:33 PM
Brooks was not 4th. Tyler Nicely ran 4th, cars did look nearly identical.

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ronmil (Offline)
  #55 6/9/13 2:10 PM
I was unavoidably detained, so I arrived as the third heat was running, and by the time I arrived at my seat I had also missed the fourth heat. I did hear Alan Beck's description as he said it was one slide job after another and a great clean race.
Biggest difference I noticed was that a lot of the track regulars (fans) weren't there. On the other hand, I was a little surprised at some of the ones I did see. Crowd appeared to be of decent size.
I liked the track preparation for the feature. I wish Tom would have the exact same surface for the sprint cars. It appeared to be a lot less packed for this event, thus the event remained dust free throughout. I know the size of the sprint car tires has a lot to do with that, but it's just my $.02 on the subject.
Noticed the deputies did not block the crossover on US41 as early as usual, and several spectators were driving directly across and turning north. I could see that from my seat. Glad they were there by the time I left. The help they provide is one of the things that makes TSS the class track.
Would I return if they do this again? The answer is a definite maybe.

Ron Miller
2 Likes: jim goerge, luckybuc97
Slider812 (Offline)
  #56 6/9/13 2:14 PM
Originally Posted by ronmil:
I was unavoidably detained, so I arrived as the third heat was running, and by the time I arrived at my seat I had also missed the fourth heat. I did hear Alan Beck's description as he said it was one slide job after another and a great clean race.
Biggest difference I noticed was that a lot of the track regulars (fans) weren't there. On the other hand, I was a little surprised at some of the ones I did see. Crowd appeared to be of decent size.
I liked the track preparation for the feature. I wish Tom would have the exact same surface for the sprint cars. It appeared to be a lot less packed for this event, thus the event remained dust free throughout. I know the size of the sprint car tires has a lot to do with that, but it's just my $.02 on the subject.
Noticed the deputies did not block the crossover on US41 as early as usual, and several spectators were driving directly across and turning north. I could see that from my seat. Glad they were there by the time I left. The help they provide is one of the things that makes TSS the class track.
Would I return if they do this again? The answer is a definite maybe.
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Slider812 (Offline)
  #57 6/9/13 2:17 PM
Originally Posted by Slider812:
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He prepped the track like he always does. The size of the tires had everything to do with how the track evolved through the night. However the track was perfect like always

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Likes: Jhouts06
racenut69 (Offline)
  #58 6/10/13 7:26 AM
Congrats to Gilpin,he earned it....BTW,crow tastes better when you put Country Bob's on it! I agree that this should be a regular event,with the same purse. TSS never fails to impress,Tom should give classes on track prep! He is the master.I was hoping that Harrison could come from the rear after the tire change and win,but I would've needed an EMT!

There is always room for one more in the corner! I'm disguised as a responsible adult!...
Michael Carter....
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