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6/24/24, 1:28 PM   #1
Lincoln Speedway Midget Track Record Falls to Jones & MARA
RMR3 is offline

Join Date: Jan 2023
Posts: 86

From the Lincoln Speedway Facebook page.

At the MARA midget race on May 17th of this year, Parker Jones set the overall midget track record at Lincoln Speedway with a time of 13.539 seconds. This bested the previous record set by Tanner Thorson at 13.616 on July 2, 2017!

Congrats to Parker Jones and the MARA series! Sorry this didn't get noticed before now.
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6/25/24, 5:41 PM   #2
Re: Lincoln Speedway Midget Track Record Falls to Jones & MA
RMR3 is offline

Join Date: Jan 2023
Posts: 86

Just to be clear this is for Lincoln Speedway in Lincoln, IL not Lincoln Park Speedway in Indiana.
6/25/24, 8:13 PM   #3
Re: Lincoln Speedway Midget Track Record Falls to Jones & MA
Frank Reiner
Frank Reiner is offline

Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 83

Was Tanner Thorson's record set in a USAC National Midget, or in a MARA car?
If Thorson's record was in a USAC car, then Jones' record is indeed notable.
The MARA engine must be giving away 100HP to the USAC engine!
6/25/24, 10:39 PM   #4
Re: Lincoln Speedway Midget Track Record Falls to Jones & MA
RMR3 is offline

Join Date: Jan 2023
Posts: 86

Originally Posted by Frank Reiner View Post
Was Tanner Thorson's record set in a USAC National Midget, or in a MARA car?
If Thorson's record was in a USAC car, then Jones' record is indeed notable.
The MARA engine must be giving away 100HP to the USAC engine!
Thorson set the record at a USAC race in a USAC Midget car. See link for results

Parker Jones broke the record with a MARA Midget car at a MARA race. Hope that helps. The difference in power between USAC & MARA is a lot closer than people think. Its way less than 100hp. What is impressive is the MARA minimum weight is 1100lbs with driver where USAC is 1035lbs with driver.

Since the start of the Badger & MARA engine program there has been a lot of misinformation put out there. I hope this tells the story that in reality the Badger & MARA cars while a little less hp (and a ton less money), they are still fast and they still race like a midget. So come on out and watch some of their shows. I think you will be impressed.
Last edited by RMR3; 6/25/24 at 10:55 PM.
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