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bullringko (Offline)
  #1 3/6/09 10:03 AM
Hello all!

I never like to toot my own horn, but I just wanted to inform everyone that I have a lengthy Question and Answer interview with former USAC driver and official Greg Staab posted on

I spent many a month working on this project so I figured I had better let interested parties know that it is available for public consumption. Fair warning though, it's over 80 pages of text so it might take more than one sitting to get through the entire piece.

The direct link is

Thank you!
Kevin Oldham
D.O. (Offline)
  #2 3/6/09 10:24 AM
Good Job !!!!!!
  #3 3/6/09 10:56 AM
Been anticipating this....
Seadog (Offline)
  #4 3/6/09 11:40 AM
Two REAL racing guys talkin' 'bout REAL racin'. It doesn't get any better than that. Congrats to K.O. and Greg on this.:respect:
Ovalmeister (Offline)
  #5 3/6/09 12:10 PM
I found this part to be truly amazing, concerning Kevin Millers' firing of Greg. Anyone who knows Greg Staab has just got to be shaking their heads. I just don't get it. :thumbsdown: KO...fantastic work as usual. Once I started I couldn't stop til I was finished.

KO: So going back to the beginning of 2008, when did you find out that your job was in jeopardy?

GS: In May I believe it was, Kevin had reviews and my name was last on the list of reviews. I knew right away there was something up because when you’re last on the list, that means everyone’s gone out of the building and it’s time to get serious.

KO: So that’s how you found out then – knowing it was a closed door meeting?

GS: Correct.

KO: What reason were you given? Can you even discuss that?

GS: He cited a lack of passion for the sport and I had to question that one a little bit. And my work ethic, he said I didn’t do anything back there in the office all day.
Dblchkrs (Offline)
  #6 3/6/09 3:30 PM
Great work KO! Greg Staab is definitely one of the good guys.:respect:

Brian Hodde
Chief Starter
Lincoln Park Speedway
Bloomington Speedway
Kokomo Speedway
DonMoore10 (Offline)
  #7 3/6/09 4:01 PM
What a railroad job.
IndyBound (Offline)
  #8 3/6/09 4:21 PM
Great work Kevin, I think everyone already knows what a raw deal I think Greg was handed by Mr. Miller; so we won't go there again. I wish Greg and the 6R team the best of luck in 2009!

ThrottleHead (Offline)
  #9 3/6/09 4:24 PM
Originally Posted by Ovalmeister:

KO: So that’s how you found out then – knowing it was a closed door meeting?

GS: Correct.

KO: What reason were you given? Can you even discuss that?

GS: He cited a lack of passion for the sport and I had to question that one a little bit. And my work ethic, he said I didn’t do anything back there in the office all day.
***??????????????? That is the BIGGEST BS reason in the HISTORY of the world. It just goes to show you exactly how LITTLE Kevin Miller knows about Greg Staab.

Greg..... you are much better off without that kind of CRAP going on. One more reason to detest that organization. Its things like that that do NOT help credibility in trying to rebuild an organization.

Best of luck Greg..... you deserve it!!!!

Great job KO! Nice article!
Revolution Racing (Offline)
  #10 3/6/09 6:39 PM
Awesome job!

I loved reading about Greg's west coast adventures. I grew up right down the street from Roger Newell, and used to ride my bike down Winlock Street there in Torrance, just to get a look at his beautiful Sprinter getting cleaned up on Sunday Morning. The Stan Atherton flip that wrecked those cars in the parking lot is a memory I'll have all my life - I was in my usual seat there at Ascot, down near the end of the front straight and close to Steve's Italian Suasage sandwich wagon....

Seeing the "Big Boys" come out from "Back East" every fall was something we all looked forward to every year, and of course as a kid I always enjoyed watching my local heroes give 'em all they could handle at Ascot - I thought Dean, Bubby and crew were just invincible - little did I know at the time that Ascot was just such a unique place that the average midwestern driver just didn't know what to do with the place. I don't think I've ever seen a track that gave the locals more of a "home field advantage" than good 'ol Ascot. MAN, I miss that place...

Thanks for the memories, Greg. You are a good man.

Keith Iaia
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