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8/31/12, 12:00 PM   #91
bsmith8 is offline
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Its a joke :-)

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8/31/12, 10:54 PM   #92
Re: Levi Jones Done For Season
REALDEAL is offline

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Sorry, wasn't tryin to offend anyone, especially the racers themselves. But I feel like realistically you HAVE to be at these big shows, especially in your home state, and run well against the top teams to be considered for a position in a top notch paid ride. I do understand where you are coming from Kyle, I worked on a sprint car team with a very limited budget for 13 yrs and then raced 600 mini sprints for 5 on my own.... its tough out there.....once again, my apologies .......And, there are also many racers who spend every dime they earn and go into debt chasing these coveted rides. It seems like the people who have fought their way up and deserve the rides rarely get them.
Last edited by REALDEAL; 8/31/12 at 11:10 PM.
8/31/12, 11:06 PM   #93
popham is offline

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Good luck on your surgery, your health is more important than racing and you will be back next year stronger than ever.

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8/31/12, 11:21 PM   #94
Re: Levi Jones Done For Season
jeffnanny is offline

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It's cool. Sometimes it's hard to judge how things are said as there's no emotion behind these typed messages. It's a hard game but everyone here knows what it's like to have the itch and will do whatever possible to wheel anything they can. We all hope to find that ride or sponsor to help out but unfortunately it doesn't always happen that way. I'm proud to be from Indiana and be surrounded by such great racing and even greater drivers in the area. I hope to be able to say I am out there every weekend let alone be able to run with some of the best drivers in the country at one of our local dirt tracks.

Hope everyone has a good weekend and once again congrats to Chris on the ride and best wishes to Levi during his procedure and recovery.
9/1/12, 12:09 AM   #95
Re: Levi Jones Done For Season
Gee2 is offline

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very reliable source says... Jones got fired from the ride and using this neck injury as an excuse... he wont be back in the TSR next year,
9/1/12, 1:16 AM   #96
Curt_Bullick is offline

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Originally Posted by Jerry Shaw View Post
In all fairness, I arrived about an hour and a half before hot laps on Thursday and the story was already going around the pits about Levi having neck pain, due to bulging discs. Nobody said anything, however, about him ending his season four days after Smackdown was over.

Well I was in the pits as well and you must have been the only one to hear it...

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9/1/12, 1:30 AM   #97
Re: Levi Jones Done For Season
Jerry Spencer
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Originally Posted by Curt_Bullick View Post
Well I was in the pits as well and you must have been the only one to hear it...

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Well I know for a fact he was in pain as we talked about my upcoming surgery and his going back to the doctor to see when his was scheduled, we saved them a spot ate with them and talked all weekend, maybe you are the one that does not have a clue Mr. Bullick. Just for the record how many wins do you have under your belt? Good lord when does this crap stop.

Jerry Spencer
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Reply Indiana Open Wheel > Indiana Open Wheel Forum > Levi Jones Done For Season

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