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Rhody (Offline)
  #91 8/21/16 1:21 PM
Originally Posted by Backitin:
Dudes please chill abit about seeing good races in all types of racing. I've stated before that the best race I probley ever seen was a lawnmower race.
I was comparing nonwing vs winged cars. Yes I know theres been good wing races but even my 8 year old granddaughter knows that a traditional sprint on a good track will put on twice the show as a winged car, INLESS your in it for top speed and going as straight as possible.
As for never seeing a bad race, you aint been where I been I guess because I've seen plenty of them.
Fender cars huh, apples and oranges. I prefer not to watch slow, or fast for that matter cars lean on each other the whole race with usually no consequences. To each there own.
How about you chill about bashing winged sprint car racing???? I have seen lots and lots of both, I like both, but I do prefer winged cars. Sure there are snoozers, but I will sit through those snoozers to see a 3 car battle through traffic on a 2 grooved track at ludicrous speeds. Non winged cars have never given me goosebumps, winged cars have. So please spare us the constant bashing. As my mother used to say, if you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all.
9 Likes: fish, flatout, motorhead748, PIT CART, progressive22, sapper211, tubemaster, Wingman, xoxide
motorhead748 (Offline)
  #92 8/21/16 1:42 PM
Originally Posted by sapper211:
As usual, if it ain't K-ville with a wing, you downplay it at best or insult it at worst (typical of the hosehead crowd). I'm guessing you don't go to Badlands enough. When you try to make a point, invalid or not, you should investigate a little on your own, instead of relying on other haters on that other forum for the information you parrot.

Fantastic racing all over the track last night. It was my first NW race, and I'm hooked.
You are correct sir, I don't make it to Badlands often enuff but it is 900 miles one way for me. I have made the trip 3-4 times tho.
sapper211 (Offline)
  #93 8/21/16 1:55 PM
Originally Posted by motorhead748:
You are correct sir, I don't make it to Badlands often enuff but it is 900 miles one way for me. I have made the trip 3-4 times tho.
So you've made an 1800 mile round trip to Badlands 3 or 4 times in the last year?
flagboy55 (Offline)
  #94 8/21/16 2:03 PM
Rhody, I am also a fan of both but if you want goose bumps from non wing, here's what to do. Go to the Terre Haute action track, walk under the track into the infield. Walk down to the entrance of turn three. Watch them come off 2, haul arse down the back straight and give it that big pitch into the corner. If that doesn't give you goosebumps check your pulse, you may be dead. I have seen it for decades and still amazed by it to this day!
10 Likes: billw, Charles Nungester, jim goerge, pushinthecushin, sapper211, sc17x, sp6967, spicoli, tubemaster, Z-man
pushinthecushin (Offline)
  #95 8/21/16 2:24 PM
Originally Posted by flagboy55:
Rhody, I am also a fan of both but if you want goose bumps from non wing, here's what to do. Go to the Terre Haute action track, walk under the track into the infield. Walk down to the entrance of turn three. Watch them come off 2, haul arse down the back straight and give it that big pitch into the corner. If that doesn't give you goosebumps check your pulse, you may be dead. I have seen it for decades and still amazed by it to this day!
Ditto to all of that or also go to Bloomington and watch guys like Max McGhee, Brady Short and Jarett Andretti and others not lift going into turn 1. Been going to sprint car racing since 1979 and still get goosebumps watching it.

Whatever you enjoy, enjoy it to the max!
4 Likes: jim goerge, motorhead748, sapper211, tubemaster
Wingman (Offline)
  #96 8/21/16 2:37 PM
Originally Posted by Rhody:
How about you chill about bashing winged sprint car racing???? I have seen lots and lots of both, I like both, but I do prefer winged cars. Sure there are snoozers, but I will sit through those snoozers to see a 3 car battle through traffic on a 2 grooved track at ludicrous speeds. Non winged cars have never given me goosebumps, winged cars have. So please spare us the constant bashing. As my mother used to say, if you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all.
Rhody-Like you I am a fan of both. NW has snoozers as well. Yet nobody on this site will admit it. I know what you mean about "Goosebumps." If the WOO race at the burg this year did not give you goosebumps. I am not sure what will. If you have not seen WOO guys at eldora from pits turn 3. You might want to get heart checked before you do. Awesome!
4 Likes: mcweld, motorhead748, pushinthecushin, sapper211
motorhead748 (Offline)
  #97 8/21/16 3:17 PM
Originally Posted by sapper211:
So you've made an 1800 mile round trip to Badlands 3 or 4 times in the last year?
I didn't say in the last year but I do put 40K a year on my motorcycle with the majority of that going to races so you should be able to figure out I don't sit much.
This spring I had all intentions of being at badlands this weekend but the way things have panned out I dont figure he needs my money.
Racing is the best for all involved when tracks work together, my turning point with badlands was fairly early in the season when they put that nites car count for themselves & Knoxville on the big screen. That act tells me a lot.
I'll be back there.
2 Likes: sapper211, Wingman
mc/rider (Offline)
  #98 8/21/16 3:32 PM
Haudenchild said shaved or unshaven its all good

When in doubt Gas It
16 Likes: billw, Charles Nungester, Eatin Dirt, flagboy55, flatout, illinifan, jim goerge, motorhead748, rclaridge, sapper211, Scooter, sp6967, sprinter31, Tony74, turn4, Wingman
sp6967 (Offline)
  #99 8/21/16 6:12 PM
whats up with Baldwin #5 not being in attendance?

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help." President Ronald Reagan
Charles Nungester (Offline)
  #100 8/21/16 6:23 PM
Originally Posted by sp6967:
whats up with Baldwin #5 not being in attendance?
I'm guessing that like hoffmans their driver was to run springfield crown race

Charles Nungester
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