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kinser (Offline)
  #161 3/31/22 2:43 PM
Originally Posted by racefan20:
Heard from where. Why do we always get the I heard but not where you heard from. Makes a big difference in credibility
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. And another one
Charles Nungester (Offline)
  #162 3/31/22 2:47 PM
That's just fine IMHO so more teams that don['t have thumper motors and new tires for every time on the track will get minimum 500 instead of 200 for a local show.

Come on down, nothing would thrill me more than a local or non USAC team making the podium.

Ya don't race, We won't come to pay the purses. JMO.

Charles Nungester
nodramazone20 (Offline)
  #163 3/31/22 3:52 PM
The only way any of this gets exposed is because of World Racing Group and the Extreme Series....if they are not around, its business as usual for the cheaters.....
5 Likes: 2rock21, billw, chrismattlin, dshort36, PIT CART
Charles Nungester (Offline)
  #164 3/31/22 4:15 PM
Yeah. If there is cheating it needs rooted out.

But the Im racing somewhere else that doesn't test anything for a third the purse is convincing. USAC shouldn't test at all! that solves everything.

Guess I'll stay home. I can watch about five races of all stuff I like. Really want to see em live When and while I can.

Charles Nungester
nodramazone20 (Offline)
  #165 3/31/22 4:18 PM
Race fans and Race teams are the only people who matter and can send a message. If you feel there is funny business going on in Speedway Indiana, like I do, then go elsewhere Saturday night, or stay home....protest with your hard earned dollar
2 Likes: 2rock21, dshort36
b.young (Offline)
  #166 3/31/22 4:27 PM
It's not over on that front either! I find it very interesting that everyone thinks the other Series has the ability to prove their tests reliable in court. All they have is a test from a already proven wrong lab against a benchmark that never seen a racetrack.
Likes: Joekocjan
The Old Coyote (Offline)
  #167 3/31/22 4:37 PM

Real Race Cars Don't Have Fenders!
2 Likes: BrentTFunk, TQ29m
yeleyfan76 (Offline)
  #168 3/31/22 4:59 PM
Originally Posted by b.young:
It's not over on that front either! I find it very interesting that everyone thinks the other Series has the ability to prove their tests reliable in court. All they have is a test from a already proven wrong lab against a benchmark that never seen a racetrack.
Whoa! Now we are proving things in court??? You just said the test the other series used is wrong because Usac said so?? If the lab is wrong and it’s the same one Usac has been using too, then by your theory all of the other guys penalized previously have a beef.
2 Likes: addictedtodirt, dalemo
kb78 (Offline)
  #169 3/31/22 5:09 PM
You can add me to the crowd that thinks it's a bit odd that all of the sudden we are seeing a big number of failed tire test and all the exact same, I personally like the idea that USAC went further with their testing to try and get it right and I think they at least said the right things in the press release to answer questions. I'm sure some people know more than others and I'm also sure that some people don't care for USAC and are looking for reasons to gripe. I have no issue with what "Extreme" did either, do your thing.
As far as USAC taking care of the "core" group, I'm sure they do. They need teams that will travel across the country a couple times a year for two or three races and they don't get that from most of the locals so I guess I would think that they try to help the 8 or ten teams that do as much as they can. At any rate, I do not see this as a green light to dope tires if people are, I think it is at the very least a shot across the bow to anybody that might have been but I suppose I am biased.
I've been a fan of JG for over ten years now, if he did cheat then I am disappointed but it will not keep me from going Saturday night to see my first race of the year and watch him and some others rip around L-burg. I am exited to get back to the track and out of the Lazy-boy. Maybe you will see me, I will be the big redhead with the Justin Grant tee shirt on underneath 18 layers of clothes trying to stay warm.
14 Likes: Blitzman, BrentTFunk, Charles Nungester, Hustlin-Hoosier, jonboat15, luckybuc97, opnwhlmnd, racenut69, reeserx, ROSS, sc17x, spicoli, sw1911, TQ29m
revjimk (Offline)
  #170 3/31/22 5:55 PM
I'm confused.... what happened to Kunz?
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