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12/13/15, 3:30 PM   #181
Re: Tonights midget show
DonMoore10 is offline
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I've read every post on here and people keep referring to "they"... that is, the promoter. Apparently no one knows who "they" are. Well... the promotion was based out of Charlotte, NC according to literature that I have read. So that leads me to the "they" must be racing related. I have a good idea who was behind this and it may be the same "behind the scenes" guy who I think is the ghost behind the new Fort Wayne deal. So who is the "they"? Interesting that the entry blank I received in the mail for Fort Wayne was postmarked from Charlotte, NC... uh... uh.. uh..
Last edited by DonMoore10; 12/13/15 at 3:31 PM.
12/13/15, 3:54 PM   #182
Re: Tonights midget show
BrentTFunk is offline
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I cannot imagine what the cost to put on this event was. The amount of work done in a short period had to take a lot of people. The cost of renting the building had to be a lot. The fees I am sure the promoters owe for extra cleaning have to be huge. I appreciate them taking the risk, even though it did not work real well. I feel like they gave a great effort. It just didn't work. Comparing this event to Kemper Arena is not really fair. This is a state of the art facility used over 100 nights a year, where Kemper had been replaced by new facility and was desperate for events, so the rent was much cheaper. As far as I know he paid the racers, even though I doubt this was profitable.
I thought the crowd turnout was great. I am sure the most to watch midgets this year. Keep this in mind the next time we are bashing our promoters and sanctioning bodies, and remember how spoiled we really are. I can't make Duquoin, but this will not keep me away from Ft Wayne. Try to have fun.
12/13/15, 4:04 PM   #183
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Originally Posted by BrentTFunk View Post
When you live in a society run by insurance companies you will have that. Can you imagine the lawsuits if someone died or was injured?
That should have been a forethought. There should have been a proactive examination of air quality problems and solutions.
I am sure the promoters had event insurance because ultimately the liability falls on the lessor, and I am sure that was a requirement of the contract. So unless the city left themselves exposed, the only concern a city official could have is a political black eye if something bad happened.
Last edited by MEAT; 12/13/15 at 4:21 PM.
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12/13/15, 4:20 PM   #184
Re: Tonights midget show
chop is offline
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I few things to add to this post. I am a 5 hours drive from Indy. I was thinking about driving to see the show. I am glad I stayed home and just lost $30 for the online cost. I thought the comments from Scott (just a late model driver) were good points. Having tires to make them race out by the wall was a good point. The problem will banking would be the cars will send dirt way up into the air and into the stands. As far as Kyle Larson thinking I am an internet jerk. I am sure he got paid to be there last night. Also he is a big time "outlaw kart" fan. I think he may not be happy with the really bad show they but on last night. Can some one explain the roll cages on the karts. The look like they are all about to fall off. Would not think the dumb over size wings would do anything for the kart other then try to make it look like a sprint car.

It has been more then a few years, but they put on a few races indoor at the Pontiac Silverdome. First year was a dirt race. If they could get that place clean after the race was over, I am sure they can hose down the little barn for the round ballers to play the next time they need it. What I would like to know is how short of a time did they have to get the place clean out and ready for the next event.

I would think that if Mr lucas wanted a indoor race at a building that has his name on it. He could get that done
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12/13/15, 4:22 PM   #185
Re: Tonights midget show
BrentTFunk is offline
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Originally Posted by MEAT View Post
That should have been a forethought. There should have been a proactive examination of air quality problems and solutions.
I am sure the promoters had event insurance because ultimately the liability falls on the lessor, and I am sure that was a requirement of the contract. So unless the city left themselves exposed, the only concern a city official could have is a political black eye if something bad happened.
Usually when people sue, they sue everyone involved. I am guessing the contract required qualified people to monitor the air quality at all times. I would think insurance would also require that. Like others have said, I think the amount of cautions were a big part of the problem.
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12/13/15, 4:27 PM   #186
Re: Tonights midget show
tubemaster is offline
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Originally Posted by TheCushion View Post
It's a real shame the race wasn't able to be run as envisioned. It takes a monumental effort to put something like this together and made even harder that they only had hours, not days to put the track together. It was a very difficult task to pull off, no time to build a track to its best potential (banking) and not enough square footage to get it to the size needed for good racing for Midgets. We give a ton of credit to the promoters to try and give Indy this type of race at the best time of the year for it, PRI. Not many would step up and take this on, so they should be commended for that. Very high risk, high reward event and unfortunately it didn't work as planned. If it did, this group would be getting massive accolades for bringing indoor Midget racing to its home in Indiana.

We spoke with the promoters a ways back because we were interested in providing the Live Video for the event and they had every good intention for starting, building and growing this event. Our good friends and client of our T2 Digital company, Bob Dillner and Speed 51 got the PPV deal and we give those guys credit also for what was a very long night of broadcasting in tough conditions (equipment caked with dirt particles). Rough night for all involved, especially the great fans who supported this event in droves. Great to see the hunger everyone has for Winter, Indoor racing.

We hope as many as possible make the trip to DuQuoin this coming Saturday, Dec 19th, for USAC's return to Indoor racing with the Junior Knepper 55. Much bigger facility lends itself to more side-by-side Midget racing and passing. The DuQuoin track seems to always put on great Midget races, looking forward to it. It is also our return to indoor race coverage as we did a Midget + 600 race at DuQuoin 5+ years ago. We hope all support this USAC DuQuoin race and promoters Nick Knepper and Derek LeMaster on this unique 55 lap event in honor of Junior Knepper. If you cannot make it there, will have LIVE Video of every lap.... Hot Laps to Victory Lane. It's the last tune up before Chili Bowl, should be fun.
I will be ordering the DuQuoin PPV race. I was at Indy and still found myself enjoying the event. I just love racing and will support the events through good and bad times.
12/13/15, 4:29 PM   #187
Re: Tonights midget show
racefan20 is offline
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Next event is Pacers tomorrow night.
John Hoover

“To whom little is not enough, nothing is enough.” Epicurus
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12/13/15, 5:09 PM   #188
ronmil is offline
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The three of us stayed until the very end and arrived at my home on the far eastside of Evansville at 3:43AM (Central Time). My paper carrier was delivering my Sunday Courier and Press as I got of the vehicle. It was after 5:00AM (Central) when I finally got to bed. Someone made an amusing comment about "checking your boogers". I know what they meant, I was still blowing rubber dust and whatever from my nose this morning. Anyway, it was an interesting experience. I just wonder if we might have seen a better show on concrete and Coke syrup like they used to run in the Hoosier Dome; saw all but the first one there and there was some pretty good racing. Unfortunately, the racing there was marred by an accident in one of the later years when an official and a driver in the infield were fatally injured by a car that had its' steering damaged causing it to veer into the crowded area. Also, I'll never forget Ronnie Johncox spectacularly removing one of the drinking fountains from the wall and sliding almost out into the street. In the final event ever, Billy Wease flipped out of the track spectacularly, hitting a brand new GMC pickup that was serving as a push truck.
Another thing about the 'Dome, we never had to buy advance tickets.
Would I return if this event happens again? Well, I just might do that. There are things I would do differently, and I'm sure the promoter would do things differently, or at least I hope he would.
While I was watching the event, it occurred to me that the last previous race I had attended this year, The Jason Leffler Memorial, was one of the best I had ever seen, while this undoubtedly was one of the worst.
That's my $.02 worth. See you all at The Southern Illinois Center next Saturday! Correction: It was not a driver but someone connected with one of the cars that was killed
Ron Miller
Last edited by ronmil; 12/13/15 at 6:49 PM.
12/13/15, 6:21 PM   #189
Re: Tonights midget show
Chris Nunn
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Originally Posted by DonMoore10 View Post
I've read every post on here and people keep referring to "they"... that is, the promoter. Apparently no one knows who "they" are. Well... the promotion was based out of Charlotte, NC according to literature that I have read. So that leads me to the "they" must be racing related. I have a good idea who was behind this and it may be the same "behind the scenes" guy who I think is the ghost behind the new Fort Wayne deal. So who is the "they"? Interesting that the entry blank I received in the mail for Fort Wayne was postmarked from Charlotte, NC... uh... uh.. uh..

Just to put fact in this. The "They" are Jeremy Burnett, Cody Sommer, and Tommy Baldwin III

They busted their ass, they gave us an event in December in the state of Indiana, and it was a learning experience. They know what to do to improve on it. I enjoyed myself last night.
Chris Nunn
12/13/15, 6:27 PM   #190
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Last night was not my worst night at the track. This forum is the perfect example of our society, everything will either be perfect, or I am going to ***** about someone until I can find something else to complain about. If your not happy with the event, it is just as much your fault. Come on we all knew we were headed to a hockey rink. Every single person that complained about the track size should be hit in the head with a hammer. People from this area should be the most educated, look how many indoor races there have been over the last 15 years within a 5 hour drive. If the race comes back I will be there. I love how people keep bringing up ft. Wayne. I have been to ft. Wayne when the show was about as bad as last night. The good thing is they did not give up and have improved that show a ton. Not only the promoter making improvements but also the drivers have improved big time. Give this some time, it might surprise u.
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