Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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scooter99 (Offline)
  #11 9/24/09 2:23 PM
count me in!
TQ29m (Offline)
  #12 9/25/09 10:23 AM
Hey out there, Uncle Charlie, where are you? It's rained here very danged day this week, what is going on in lovely downtown Greensburg, In? Any body lookie lou the track? Give us a report, something with a little happy in it, it's real gloomy everywhere else. Bob

"Being old, isn't half as much fun, as getting there"! Ole Robert I!
speidel21 (Offline)
  #13 9/25/09 1:42 PM for greensburg shows we will for sure be racing. the news for around here said its suppose to stop saturday afternoon. who knows, maybe it will be just enough to help the guys out that usually have to water the track all day. that place could almost always use some more water on the track.

STP (Offline)
  #14 9/25/09 4:16 PM
Originally Posted by speidel21: for greensburg shows we will for sure be racing. the news for around here said its suppose to stop saturday afternoon. who knows, maybe it will be just enough to help the guys out that usually have to water the track all day. that place could almost always use some more water on the track.
Tomorrow's weather looks good. We're keeping our fingers crossed. Nick's right, you can't get enough water on the dust bowl.

Just heard our race announcement on WTRE 1330 AM. Sounds like there's a truck show before the race too if you want to get there early to check it out. Don't forget to come out for the parade in Rushville. We're meeting at 9 a.m. Gary Lee's going to be there in the VUMTQRL show truck.

---------- Post added at 04:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Cincy Dirt Bowl:
The #45 will be there! I have some unfinished business at Greensburg, last time I got to mud pack and the drive line went south. I am ready to rip this weekend!
I was wondering about you. I'm glad to hear you'll be there.

---------- Post added at 04:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04 PM ----------

Originally Posted by TQ29m:
Hey out there, Uncle Charlie, where are you? It's rained here very danged day this week, what is going on in lovely downtown Greensburg, In? Any body lookie lou the track? Give us a report, something with a little happy in it, it's real gloomy everywhere else. Bob
Mark talked to Charlie yesterday. Track didn't look too bad despite all the rain. The pit area is what we need to watch. The rain looks like it will stay away most of tomorrow.

---------- Post added at 04:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Shawn:
Hey, Bob. You might check the weather again. I am thinking that Mother Nature might be a night early. So, if she's not packing too much of a punch, all should be fine!
Let me know if you're going to be at Greensburg or the Rushville parade. I have t-shirts for you.

---------- Post added at 04:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04 PM ----------

Originally Posted by nowings4me:
I can only say that I am in awe of what has taken place this season. And we aren't even finished yet. What lots of people considered to be a "one and done" venture has been anything but that. I have seen great racing, racers and owners having FUN, and witnessed and met people I would never have dreamed I would get a chance to see. Jen, Mark, Gary, the sponsers, and countless others have certainly put out a product that few could forsee a year ago. I know I don't get around to see all the drivers and owners as much as I would like, but I truly appreciate the time, effort, and willpower of each and every one of you to help put on a great show week after week. I am very honored to be a part of this league, and I thank everyone that has been involved in making this a season that I will never forget. All the officials that I have had a pleasure of working with........thanks for making this a great year. Yes, even Charlie.
Thank you and Bonnie for all you do. You have helped out far more than I think I let you know. Thanks to everyone else who has been a part of and put their faith in this racing league. It has been more fun than I ever imagined and I've met even more great racing people. I can't wait until next year.
speidel21 (Offline)
  #15 9/25/09 5:14 PM
Forecast looking even better now actually looks like pretty good ideal weather for racing

nowings4me (Offline)
  #16 9/25/09 6:45 PM
All I can say is tomorrow is the first Saturday I have had to work this entire year, so that must mean the weather will be great. I will be there with baked beans and Bonnie in tow ready to eat some dead bird and all the other wonderful things that you folks bring to the pitch-ins. I will be running right up against the hot-lap time, but I wll be there, so don't be alarmed, you have to put up with me at least one more time this year. Mark, Gary, and Jen I am sorry I can't make the parade at Rushville, I really looked forward to that, but they threw a last minute inventory in on us at work and I can't skate out of it. PLEASE anyone that can go, do so for the good of our league in the future. I want to thank in advance all the drivers and owners that will make it to the parade, and then on down to Greensburg to put on yet another great show for our fans. This has truly been a magical season, so let's keep it going for a couple of more races. Remember, all this coming winter you would be wishing you could be in a parade and at a race on the same day.
  #17 9/25/09 9:38 PM
Track looks great. won't need any water. Should be a great track to race on.
Likes: STP
bgbrd (Offline)
  #18 9/26/09 11:21 AM
Any Updates?
STP (Offline)
  #19 9/26/09 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by bgbrd:
Any Updates?
So far race is still on. Weather is beautiful. Reporting live from the Rushville parade.
Posted via Mobile Device

---------- Post added at 11:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 AM ----------

Originally Posted by STP:
So far race is still on. Weather is beautiful. Reporting live from the Rushville parade.
Posted via Mobile Device
The VUMTQRL caravan is rolling to Greensburg via SR 3.
Posted via Mobile Device
bgbrd (Offline)
  #20 9/26/09 11:55 AM
Great news Getting ready to head that way
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