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dee jones (Offline)
  #11 2/5/10 3:33 PM
thanks for responding to my message.I continue to feel great and am playing a lot of golf my favorite sport besides thinking about coming out of retirement but do you think 76 is too old.maybe they will have a super senior race ha/ ha?bless you all love Dee.
Likes: i love dirt track racing
Modocer 57 (Offline)
  #12 2/5/10 7:30 PM

Growing up in the midwest in the 50-60's, I got to see you race quite often.I think you were driving the windmill truckeres car at the Indy fairgrounds and you said I might as well ran a pet duck it would have been just as fast. Glad you are doing well.
Likes: dee jones
Boatguy011 (Offline)
  #13 2/15/10 4:47 PM
Dee: Glad you are doing well. don't know if you remember me from late 60's. We met a few times at the track, and I named my first son (middle name) Dee..always admired you. Continued good health.

  #14 3/2/10 7:46 PM
Originally Posted by dee jones:
thanks for responding to my message.i continue to feel great and am playing a lot of golf my favorite sport besides thinking about coming out of retirement but do you think 76 is too old.maybe they will have a super senior race ha/ ha?bless you all love dee.
dee baby your way too old!!!!!!!!!!!!
Likes: dee jones
coxie bowman (Offline)
  #15 3/8/10 9:27 AM
The last time I saw you Dee was at the Copper World around '91. Hows your daughter and son in law doing these days. I'm very glad that you're doing good and back doing EASY things.

Jack Calabrase
  #16 3/28/10 7:52 PM
Glad to hear you whipped the cancer Mr. Jones.
Likes: dee jones
metal bender (Offline)
  #17 3/31/10 3:54 PM
Originally Posted by dee jones:
Many thanks to all of you for your prayers and good wishes, i have good news the cancer is gone so all of your prayers and wishes have helped greatly. I am no longer on Chemo Thearpy, hope everybody else is keeping good health.

Thank You Again
Dee Jones

Former USAC Driver

Dee glad your doing good, I, remember you geting some zzz s be for you raced my car and I, almost for got to wake you up !!!!
dee jones (Offline)
  #18 5/1/10 11:54 PM
hello everyone.just wanted to let you knoww all is still well with me.hope everyone else is keeping good health.thanks again for all the prayers and good wishes.miracles do happen.god bless Dee Jones.
Likes: Midwest Connection
dee jones (Offline)
  #19 5/4/10 9:57 PM
hi would love to see a photo of your son.also would love to get your address.I am feeling great.thanks for your Dee
Butch47265 (Offline)
  #20 10/1/10 4:12 PM
Originally Posted by dee jones:
hello everyone.just wanted to let you knoww all is still well with me.hope everyone else is keeping good health.thanks again for all the prayers and good wishes.miracles do happen.god bless Dee Jones.
Dee, I am very Happy to here of your victory with CANSER, but 76 is way over the HILL to race it is still a young man sport, GOD BLESS YOU, Pal. Butch Wilkerson#1
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