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Tim Watson (Offline)
  #11 4/19/09 6:55 PM
The question i have is why are some pavement races called before dirt races when it comes to weather?
n8dc (Offline)
  #12 4/20/09 8:28 AM
Originally Posted by Tim Watson:
The question i have is why are some pavement races called before dirt races when it comes to weather?

... They actually put water on Dirt.....
We drove home to Michigan yesterday and it quit raining north of cinci and just a few sprinkles all the way to Findlay ???
Bummer.. But with the economy as it is i can see why they canceled.. Hell I lost my 31 year job in Feb and im just lucky enuff to be set well enuff for now and the wife told me take the summer off and go racing :applaud:.. Only problem is thats not a a real deal as there arent any jobs out there . Its tough right now.. I still have to watch my cash and im sure im not the only race fan in this position... If you can believe the weather man he said yesterday was gonna pretty much be a wash all thru indiana , ohio and michigan.. If they wouldnt have canceled we woulda drove up as its on the way home but a lot of other fans looking at the weather prolly would have stayed home..
sceckert (Offline)
  #13 4/20/09 8:35 AM
I would expect that the track's assessment of the microscopic car-count may have influenced their interpretation of the inclement weather possibilities.
tjtomthumb (Offline)
  #14 4/20/09 9:08 AM
I live 30 miles from Winchester and had rain or mist most of the day at home. Seems like some of you need to find better things to do. If the track cancels to save everyone money,, you complain. If tracks take a chance and then gets rained out,,you complain,,, if they run and your driver has a bad day,,, you complain,,,

With the current economy,,, I'm glad the tracks haven't went to a bi-monthly schedule or something. It does cost these promoters a dollar or two to try to put on a show for us and it's their loss when they cancel. :eek:
Bill Gardner (Offline)
  #15 4/20/09 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by tjtomthumb:
I live 30 miles from Winchester and had rain or mist most of the day at home. Seems like some of you need to find better things to do. If the track cancels to save everyone money,, you complain. If tracks take a chance and then gets rained out,,you complain,,, if they run and your driver has a bad day,,, you complain,,,

With the current economy,,, I'm glad the tracks haven't went to a bi-monthly schedule or something. It does cost these promoters a dollar or two to try to put on a show for us and it's their loss when they cancel. :eek:
We have a winner, you got that right. Some folks just cannot get out of their own way.

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