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5/24/11, 9:44 AM   #21
Re: Does weight matter?
TQ29m is offline
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Originally Posted by buckshot3448 View Post
Bob what year 600 do you have. i ran the 99-02 yamaha and loved tht motor in the micros. i would much rather run a newer 600 in a tq then these old honda motors
Buckshot, I use the 1993-2012 YZF600R, not the R6 like you ran, and for a reason, and when you're old enough, I'll tell you. Let me get something else out of the way, I've had "people", come on here and tell me, "you haven"t won any feature's" with your low cost engine, and that's true, but we are almost always in the position to win, and for the cost difference, I'll take that, if this engine package had been a real "ass kicker", how long do you think I'd have been allowed to run it? People who know me, know that I dance to a different drummer, I'm not satisfied running something every one has, I like a different sound, if you will, I like to experiment, but at my age, I don't really like to work on engines anymore, I'd rather put a "bullet in the chamber", and run it, and not have to even adjust the valves, Hell, I don't even like to chg plugs, or oil filters, just race it. I did a lot of research, before I settled on this engine, availability, cost to buy, replacement parts cost, adaptability, ease of changing to a new engine, and a lot of other things, I even bought various engines, and took them apart, and compared them, and this was my choice, and I'm happy I picked it. This engine has been in production longer now, than the old Honda, and is still in production today, rod bolts are 4 bucks ea, rod and main brgs are 5 bucks ea, and all you have to do, is either call, or email your order in, and for 32 bucks, and 3 bucks shipping, you have a new set of rod bolts in about 3 day, not $300.00+ for Carrillo. When I built this engine, I tried to use everything that was needed, off the Old Honda, to keep the cost down, it wouldn't have mattered, if you bought a car, minus engine, you would still have to buy special parts to adapt it to be able to run it, so don't count that stuff, ya gotta have it anyway, but I made patterns, and had castings made, for the parts that were different, but still allowed you to run the stuff from your Honda, bolt on parts, Ignition, oil pump, crank adapter, engine adapter, to interchange from the Honda, thus saving you money, and in my line of thinking, that's a big consideration. Off Ebay, you can buy a complete, low mileage engine for under 600.00, or you can do as I do, and just buy parts, and come in at under 400.00, and the special parts to adapt, that's a one time deal, once you make the change, you reuse that stuff. Now, we still have the weight deal, that hasn't gone away, and with the Hp that all these engines produce, it is a big factor, in a "level" playing field, and it needs addressed, NOW! Bob
"Being old, isn't half as much fun, as getting there"! Ole Robert I!
5/24/11, 12:29 PM   #22
Re: Does weight matter?
TQ29m is offline
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Originally Posted by Al Soran View Post
ALL other things being equal.....less weight would most likely be faster. But, keep this in mind. If you could squeeze Steve Kinser's 230+ body into one of those cars, there is NO doubt, he would be the one you'd have to deal with for the win. Take that for what it's worth. I definitely would not change rules mid-season. Just show up, and give them everything you've got. Make them ask themselves if they should be adding weight.
Al, thanks for your input, and yes, we do have drivers who weigh in at Kinser's weight, and they do the best,with what they have. The issue here, as most of us see it, we we're "kinda" led to believe, after weighing the cars and drivers to get an average, and having a meeting last Fall to discuss this issue, that the weight rule would be 850#, car and driver for this season, but that didn't happen, that's why this post was made to start with, not by me, but by another racer, and when I made the comment, that if it were as it "was" going to be, it probably would add cars, to our car count, wouldn't that be "terrible"? And yes, I'm sure the ole "KOA" would make a formidable race out of it. Bob
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5/25/11, 5:53 PM   #23
Re: Does weight matter?
bgbrd is offline
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Originally Posted by 24midgets View Post
Just wondering what everybody thinks. I race 3/4 midget and my car and me weights around 900 pounds . The average car weight is like 883 but the driver winning some of races is right at 800 pounds .So im giving up 100 pounds to him ,would he go faster with 100pounds more or slow down a couple of tenths? In another club they have a kid that might be 720 pounds and he is winning every thing in sight . The club i run with has been thinking of changing weight rule to something alittle higher ,so what would be a good number to keep cars more competive?
and should you make change in middle of a race season?
5/25/11, 6:10 PM   #24
Re: Does weight matter?
Hawker is offline
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The cheapest horsepower is less weight...
5/26/11, 8:38 AM   #25
Re: Does weight matter?
DAD is offline
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All you need to do is find a 95-100lb driver, get rid of these oversize grown up men and go racing.
I starterd out with a 95 lb kid (we won quite a few races) and I raised hell because the weight was too far off for grown men to compeate. All of the light guys dont want to change things and all cry the loudest. Its great if your kid wins a lot of races but it would even be better if they could learn racing from guys that can truly drive a race car. They might learn better racing manners. If the only drivers that can race with them are pre-puberty kids they will never know when they are charging, blocking and or giving racing room to the other driver. The only other racing experience they get "nascar" on Sunday and those guys are driving taxi cabs not open wheel race cars. We should not be racing like they do we dont have fenders.
5/26/11, 11:32 AM   #26
Re: Does weight matter?
TQ29m is offline
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BTW, on ebay right now, are 2, complete engines, YZF600R, one at 8k miles, an 02, complete down to the overflo tank, for $645.00, free shipping by Forward Air, and another one, with a bad 2nd gear, bare engine $175.00 plus shipping. If anyone is really interested in cutting their costs of running a TQ, and getting into something in this century, tech wise, give me a PM with your questions, and your email, and I'll be glad to share 5yrs of development with you, I didn't make the switch to out motor everyone, just to be able to afford to continue to race, and be competitive. Bob!
"Being old, isn't half as much fun, as getting there"! Ole Robert I!
5/26/11, 9:28 PM   #27
Re: Does weight matter?
tqracer65 is offline

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how much was the methanol conversion for the injection?
5/26/11, 11:12 PM   #28
Re: Does weight matter?
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For every 1 pd. of rotating weight you take off is like adding 6 HP to the engine. so pounds matter. either here or there. I totally agree with Bob that a weight rule that is fair and average, and when I say average I mean take 10 or 20 cars weigh them then divide by 10 or 20, get the average with drivers not just cars, that way us old farts have a chance when we weigh so cotton pickin much. Then you will see who really is the bravest in haulin it in and going. Tate Martz took our old heavy steel block 406 from 16th to 4th really fast at Waynesfield a few years back, and was pressing with a broken shock tower on left front causing him to spin in turn 4, and then got run over from a car tearing up front axle, and not being able to go from there.Tate ran that car with broken shock tower for I think about 7 or 8 laps, faster and faster until it was more then it could stand for a 3 legged horse. The left front kept bouncing like a basketball through the corners. The thing weighed so much and the track was fair to med. rough but was nice , rather alot better at feature time, and Jack Hewitt gave a couple of pointers on things and he took an average heavy car and blistered the guys for a while. that same car weighed I think 1563 with driver last year if I remember right, the car is fast on a heavy track but gets slower as the night progresses on; as track slicks off, it all matters, weight , setup, and driver, period. Tate past 4 cars on the back stretch during one lap. Last year we ran in a division that had a weight rule of 1425 with driver, no engine rule or injection rule. So yes weight matters period. The light ones are hard to compete with. Our steel block starts out at 210 pds. an alum. one most start at 95 pds. average GM 400 steel block is around 160 pds give or take. Ours was never lightened just bored out to 4.155. As they say every dog has its day or every once in a while a blind squirrel finds a nut.
So good luck with your decision.
Last edited by lovindirt; 5/27/11 at 6:07 PM. Reason: want to
5/27/11, 9:11 AM   #29
Re: Does weight matter?
TQ29m is offline
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Originally Posted by tqracer65 View Post
how much was the methanol conversion for the injection?
It depends, I bought mine, a Hilborn unit, off ebay, real cheap, and if you already have a set for your Honda, it's almost a bolt on, and if you have one of my pump drives on your Honda, I make an adapter for the Yamaha, that makes it a bolt on too, so you're looking at roughly $1200.00 for the first engine, in adapters, and cutting and plating the Yamaha. I haven't tried putting on an Acro pump drive, they are awfully heavy, but it could probably be done. Bob!
"Being old, isn't half as much fun, as getting there"! Ole Robert I!
5/27/11, 12:10 PM   #30
Re: Does weight matter?
quickchange is offline

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So the old weight rule was 625 minus driver?....the new rule is 800 with driver. If the old rule was 625, why would you not build ur car to weight 625? Why in the world would any racer build his car to weight 200# over the weight rule?....Now the heavy guys want the light guys to come to them?

But but they wanna win too....put your car on diet and tell your driver to quit eaten pizza and chesseburgers.

But its not fair!! one told you to build a led sled 200# over and then go race it....and then complain your getting beat....Sounds like Obamacare, spread the wealth, I mean weight.

I'm hearing a lot butts.....I could go faster but - I could win races but
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