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cshuman (Offline)
  #21 6/25/09 1:07 PM
Joe, unless you have walked in his shoes, and know EXACTLY what he went through, how can you say he got off scott free? Shane went from living the life, in a beautiful house, having a big boat, a big fancy motorhome, driving race cars for a VERY good living, and pretty much anything he wanted in life, to driving sprint cars and midgets for a living and sleeping on a couch, and you know what, he is happy, and excited, and appreciates where he is.. The guy just wants to race, and get his life back together, so yeah, I think he has paid, ALOT.. All the above mentioned, and having to deal with people like yourself on probably a daily basis?.. but you know what, at the end of the day, if you say this to his face, he would probably smile and shake your hand and say thanks for coming to the races.. seeya next time. You have made your opinion know, on a thread that is promoting his relationship with 3widelife, which is a positive thing and you get on here and shoot it down. You say you respect and like to cheer for drivers that earn it, and I appreciate you putting me in that catagory, but thats all shane is trying to do right now, let him prove your theory right on his own, not with you taking jabs at him...


7 Likes: bandres21, cgmotorsports12, harms52, Michael#81, mtek56, oakhurst, Pat O'Connor Fan
  #22 6/25/09 1:09 PM
Originally Posted by cshuman:
Joe, unless you have walked in his shoes, and know EXACTLY what he went through, how can you say he got off scott free? Shane went from living the life, in a beautiful house, having a big boat, a big fancy motorhome, driving race cars for a VERY good living, and pretty much anything he wanted in life, to driving sprint cars and midgets for a living and sleeping on a couch, and you know what, he is happy, and excited, and appreciates where he is.. The guy just wants to race, and get his life back together, so yeah, I think he has paid, ALOT.. All the above mentioned, and having to deal with people like yourself on probably a daily basis?.. but you know what, at the end of the day, if you say this to his face, he would probably smile and shake your hand and say thanks for coming to the races.. seeya next time. You have made your opinion know, on a thread that is promoting his relationship with 3widelife, which is a positive thing and you get on here and shoot it down. You say you respect and like to cheer for drivers that earn it, and I appreciate you putting me in that catagory, but thats all shane is trying to do right now, let him prove you wrong on his own, not with you taking jabs at him...


Well shu I knew i would get flamed and said so, and I have, but be honest, does he deserve another chance? If you, or others had the same chance to start with would you have done like him? But so far no one has told me what he did to deserve this chance. Like I said, and will say, hope he truly changes and it works I'll stop talking on the subject, I know some agree with me, others different, let's just hope in the end it all works our for everyone, including Shane.......
cshuman (Offline)
  #23 6/25/09 1:23 PM
You cant sit here and beat a guy down, and say he doesnt deserve to be where he is, and then say you TRULY hope hes changed.. You are just trying to paint a picture of a logical thinking individual, and when you decided to get on here and post such negative, contradicting, BS about someone you dont know, on a thread about something positive he is doing off the track, logical thinking went out the window.. Oh and yea, my comment about the tracks in Indiana was indeed in reference to going from Daytona, to places like Paragon or N. Vernon.. Sorry if I offended your favorite local bullring.. lol
  #24 6/25/09 1:28 PM
Originally Posted by cshuman:
You cant sit here and beat a guy down, and say he doesnt deserve to be where he is, and then say you TRULY hope hes changed.. You are just trying to paint a picture of a logical thinking individual, and when you decided to get a here and post such negative, contradicting, BS about someone you dont know, on a thread about something positive he is doing off the track, logical thinking went out the window.. Oh and yea, my comment about the tracks in Indiana was indeed in reference to going to from Daytona, to places like Paragon or N. Vernon.. Sorry if I offended your favorite local bullring.. lol

UMMM, I posted the truth, facts... But if you want to respond like this let me ask you, if the tracks are so ****** then why are you here? Does it make you feel better to insult me for pointing out facts? Does it make you feel better to insult me a fan and the tracks I love, the sport I love? Seriously Shu if you feel we're so ****** then answer me, why are you here?
Maybe our track aren't fancy, or the fans high class, but we LOVE our tracks and our sport, and again, didn't BEAT him down, asked a simple question, what has he done to earn and desrve another chance? Why can't you answer that or anyone else instead of flaming me and insulting me and what I love... ****** tracks huh, thanks alot, now I have a whole new look on you....

Now I am TRULY done, won't even look at this thread again, good luck Shu on our ****** tracks......
cshuman (Offline)
  #25 6/25/09 1:30 PM
Its not up to either of us to decide what chances he gets, Im glad to see he is getting one, and Im glad to see how thankful he is to be banging around Indiana FINEST local dirt tracks, making little money, sleeping on couches, and eating taco bell all the time. Such a glorious life we lead.. Im now done, you have yet to come up with anything worth reading in the last couple posts, and hopefully this doesnt keep you from cheering me on this weekend, but if it does, oh well, there are plenty of fans that arent Casey Shuman fans, as long as they keep coming to the track to support racing, I dont care....
Jerry Shaw (Offline)
  #26 6/25/09 1:32 PM
Originally Posted by MrsMartin:
Isn't someone knowingly testing one person weekly be a type of discrimination?
No. More than likely that's something he agreed to, as a condition of him getting "another chance." And that's a pretty substantial offer of proof as to his intent to turn his life around, as privacy and the right against self-incrimination are some of the most important rights we have.

One thing that can not be understated is the list of people that Shane has chosen to work with, during his "probationary" period. He hasn't shown up at the track with a group of shady characters that nobody really knows. Instead, he's been alongside some well established, no nonsense professionals that everybody knows are going to watch him with a skeptical eye and not put up with any crap, if it should arise. Since the beginning of this guy's comeback, this is the thing has lead me to believe that he's sincere about this. And I hope he's successful.


A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.

Winston Churchill
3 Likes: Pat O'Connor Fan, PJ Wright, RWMotorsports
cshuman (Offline)
  #27 6/25/09 1:40 PM
Now you are getting rediculous, you admitted yourself that you knew I was making reference to the difference between the big nascar tracks, and the ones we race on every weekend. Im not bad mouthing Indiana tracks, or Indiana fans so settle down. I am here to try and make a living racing! This is the racing capital of the world, and Im here STILL trying to earn my way! Which is exactly what Shane is doing now.. What has he done to deserve it? He swallowed his pride, he walked into these Indiana tracks KNOWING people, like yourself would be talking about him, "hey theres that druggy shane hmiel," He left the lifestyle of a big nascar star and Im sorry if this offends you, but has come back to the minor leagues, to try and get his **** together, and he is. He has gotten involved with the 3WL program, and probably many more that none of us know. It takes ALOT of balls to do what hes doing, many would probably go into hiding and live off daddys money, but hes not, hes got alot of courage to come in here and say, hey, i blew it, i screwed up, and what can I do to get on track and drive a race car again, any car, anywhere.
apexonephoto (Offline)
  #28 6/25/09 1:40 PM
Originally Posted by racerdog45:
UMMM, I posted the truth, facts... But if you want to respond like this let me ask you, if the tracks are so ****** then why are you here? Does it make you feel better to insult me for pointing out facts? Does it make you feel better to insult me a fan and the tracks I love, the sport I love? Seriously Shu if you feel we're so ****** then answer me, why are you here?
Maybe our track aren't fancy, or the fans high class, but we LOVE our tracks and our sport, and again, didn't BEAT him down, asked a simple question, what has he done to earn and desrve another chance? Why can't you answer that or anyone else instead of flaming me and insulting me and what I love... ****** tracks huh, thanks alot, now I have a whole new look on you....

Now I am TRULY done, won't even look at this thread again, good luck Shu on our ****** tracks......
The use of "our" and "we" implies all of Indiana and there tracks. Is this turning into a California and North Carolina versus Indiana. Maybe that's whats wrong in Indiana open wheel. The us against the world elitists.

As for his 4th chance, and being deserving. Maybe having lived with an undiagnosed problem as a child, teenager, and very public race car driver, then getting help, and starting off from the bottom is very commendable.
Likes: mtek56
cgmotorsports12 (Offline)
  #29 6/25/09 1:47 PM
I'm all for Shane Hmiel! I too have made many mistakes in my life, especially at eighteen, twenty years old. Like Shane, that is all behind me and I also feel those mistakes have made me a better father, husband, and racer. You know we all mature different and everyone has their own demons. I thought at twenty two years old that I was a man and a bad ass man at that! But until it was all taken away from me and I hit rock bottom, I didn't know what life was really about. I respect those opinions that don't think Shane should be out there, but your not the one who decides Shane's life, he does. He's doin a helluva a job with it too! He could of just quit and said the hell with it. He didn't though, Shane's out there taking this criticism and he don't care what you or anybody else thinks. He's doing this for himself and his family. I know both of our family's were our number one fans and they're the best ones to have. They'll never quit believing in ya and they're there for ya no matter what life throws at ya. I have more respect for Shane than he even knows. I've went through some of rough times myself, but thank God I wasn't at his level and it wasn't public for everyone to form their opinion of me. I'm all for ya bro, your one of my hero's dude! And for a snot nosed kid I sure like your half ton pickup with a over 100k miles on it. When your multibillion dollar dad wants to buy you a new whip, look me up! lol gimme a break people!

Chris Gurley
tony sessions 17 (Offline)
  #30 6/25/09 1:50 PM
Matthew 18: 21-22
Then Peter came to Him and said, " Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?"
Jesus said to him, " I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven."

My point being that we live in a sinful world why do you think Jesus died on the cross! I commend him for coming into a realm like sprint car racing with a past like his! We all need to remember that if Jesus forgives us for our wrong doings we should be encouraging and forgiving as well !
I hope he makes it and uses it to glorify the Lord!
4 Likes: Pat O'Connor Fan, PJ Wright, racefan20
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