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Mud Packer (Offline)
  #21 6/20/11 2:40 PM
Originally Posted by ronmil:
Don't know where you got your info. I have been to sixteen races this year as of Saturday night and have been attending races at TSS since 1957. Earlene was really excited that Dave Darland was going to be there as she didn't go with me to Bloomington on Friday and missed seeing him drive to victory. We did see him take a hard fought fourth place at Paragon Saturday night.
If I ever said that I hadn't been to a race yet this year, it would have been before April 9th.
I think you have me confused with another person. There are plenty of IOW'ers that see me every week.

I think Jim was referring to your post on the board about the "un-official race count" thread at the top of the board. I know a number of people haven't kept up with it and it shows original responses that are outdated.

I can vouch for Ron as I saw him on Saturday night walking down the hill as I was struggling getting up the hill @ Paragon. I see Ron and Earlene at a lot of tracks and I know for a fact that he has been a fixture at TSS for as long as I have known him.

Traveling from Evansville to any track is a journey. Ron has put some miles on getting to most any track in Indiana. He is always very knowledgeable and I enjoy discussing racing with him. In Ron's defense, I know that I am always disappointed when a race I planned on attending gets weathered out. As you might expect, my disappointment level is rather high so far in 2011.


Be nice to people on the way up. You might need them on the way down. Jimmy Durante
2 Likes: jim goerge, ronmil
jim goerge (Offline)
  #22 6/20/11 2:43 PM
Ron I saw your post in races attended and was refarring to it Now I know it hasn;t been updated and I am sorry for poping off without all the facts I am truely sorry
3 Likes: Jerry Spencer, Mud Packer, ronmil
dirtshirt (Offline)
  #23 6/20/11 2:56 PM
I stayed over in north Alabama so i could zip up to TriState Sunday. I watched the storm go over area sunday morning . I still knew that Tom would get show in if he could .Left motel still going there . Luckly wife texted me about 20 miles in ,that it rained out.I have faith that Tommy would have got it in if he could have.Never a bad show at Tristate have I seen.Will be there for Summer Nationals .Always 3-4 wide with taxi cabs .
Now if i could get USAC and LPS to answer a email from a hearing impaired veteran that would be a miracle !!!
David Lynch
  #24 6/20/11 3:05 PM
Reason for the race being canceled

the big storm that rumbled through about 4am knocked power out to the pumps and the power didn’t come back on until around noon also the parking lot was pretty well flooded
Mud Packer (Offline)
  #25 6/20/11 3:06 PM
Originally Posted by dirtshirt:
I stayed over in north Alabama so i could zip up to TriState Sunday. I watched the storm go over area sunday morning . I still knew that Tom would get show in if he could .Left motel still going there . Luckly wife texted me about 20 miles in ,that it rained out.I have faith that Tommy would have got it in if he could have.Never a bad show at Tristate have I seen.Will be there for Summer Nationals .Always 3-4 wide with taxi cabs .
Now if i could get USAC and LPS to answer a email from a hearing impaired veteran that would be a miracle !!!
If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know. I might not know the answer but would be happy to find out if I can.


Be nice to people on the way up. You might need them on the way down. Jimmy Durante
Likes: dirtshirt
Rpracing1 (Offline)
  #26 6/20/11 4:20 PM
Share with all the race mileage on your Buick.............
ronmil (Offline)
  #27 6/20/11 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by Rpracing1:
Share with all the race mileage on your Buick.............

Actually it's an Oldsmobile Aurora, 1995 model, bought new Nov. 17, 1994. Still looks amazingly new.
Right now it has 255,972.4 miles on it. The 4.0 Northstar V8 runs great and gets good MPG on the highway (mid 20s). I have been driving a rental Nissan Altima 2.5S since May 9 due to Earlene's Fusion being in the body shop until this afternoon and I put nearly 4,800 miles on it. She had an accident on that date and I drove the rental car because of the fuel economy, and, of course it saved some miles on my car. I occasionally drive the Fusion to the races, so it has several race miles on it, too.
If I got paid by the mile, I'd do alright!

---------- Post added at 09:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 PM ----------

Originally Posted by jim goerge:
Ron I saw your post in races attended and was refarring to it Now I know it hasn;t been updated and I am sorry for poping off without all the facts I am truely sorry

I was puzzled at first, then I remembered that races attended thread, and realized that must be what you were talking about.
I appreciate the apology. Guess I need to update my activity!

Ron Miller
2 Likes: jim goerge, Mud Packer
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