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11/20/09, 10:41 AM   #31
short track scott
short track scott is offline
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Steve got his 500 free tires (as did others, he was the one I knew the number on) from Hoosier every year. Does anyone doubt everyone's buying Steve's free Goodyears too? It's a crock that the top dogs in a spec tire series STILL gets free tires, as if they have a choice of loyalties.

I know it's business and capitalism and all that. I just remember things like that when the mantra of 'affordable for everyone' comes out in a product press release.
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11/20/09, 11:56 AM   #32
Re: WoO signs Goodyear as tire
sprinter25 is offline
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I heard from an unnamed local driver that when the Hoosier truck showed up at the local track to support the WoO, they had separate stocks of tires for the WoO and the locals....both piles of tires were plated (D10, D25) the same, but locals would only get tires from the pile set aside for locals. They could not get the same tires that the WoO guys were getting......

So were the WoO guys getting "special" tires? Well, who knows?........

---------- Post added at 11:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 AM ----------

Originally Posted by short track scott View Post
Steve got his 500 free tires (as did others, he was the one I knew the number on) from Hoosier every year. Does anyone doubt everyone's buying Steve's free Goodyears too? It's a crock that the top dogs in a spec tire series STILL gets free tires, as if they have a choice of loyalties.

I know it's business and capitalism and all that. I just remember things like that when the mantra of 'affordable for everyone' comes out in a product press release.
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So if Steve was using 6 tires per night(2 front, 4 rear) then he could run almost 90 nights without buying a tire....guestimating the costs at 175/rear, and 150/front, which conservatively totals at $ where do you suppose that $$ came from?
3/2/10, 1:35 PM   #33
Re: WoO signs Goodyear as tire
Z-man is offline
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