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1/9/14, 1:47 PM   #31
Re: 8 tracks in Indiana join alliance.
DAD is offline
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Originally Posted by jjones752 View Post
Given my name, I resemble that remark...

Best I can remember there was fellow by the name of Jim Jones that was giving Kool Aid away to all his followers a few years ago , thus staring the phrase "don't drink the Kool Aid". A very sad thing to remember. I wish his last name could have been Brown or something else besides Jones.

Honest Dad himself
1/9/14, 1:51 PM   #32
Re: 8 tracks in Indiana join alliance.
kdobson is offline
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Agree with much of what's being said, but there's no "promotion" part of this thing. Purely a sponsorship thing. As I said, no fee and option to opt out of any deal so that we can continue to use our old Case tractors instead of a green Deere. So far we haven't been given a single condition of participation nor did we sign anything that mandated us to change anything. There's always the option to simply say "no"... we're not interested in that.

When we hire someone to help us sell sponsorship locally, she doesn't tell us how to run our race track. It's more or less the same deal. Just another person/group knocking on doors selling sponsorships. No downside I can see.

These comments about being lazy and just do it yourself I don't understand. We are doing it ourselves within our region as I'm sure every track and promoter is doing. But when I talk to my local Home Depot manager about advertising and he says "All that stuff is handled out of Atlanta." And when I ask for the contact number of the person in Atlanta to talk to he says "All you can really do is call the 800 number and use the menus to find the right department.", my chances with a company like that are far better if I have someone who already has a relationship with the right person in Atlanta handle it... while I knock on the door of my locally owned Ace Hardware.
1/9/14, 2:02 PM   #33
Re: 8 tracks in Indiana join alliance.
Mud Packer
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The smart promoters will use this group to help in securing sponsorship that isn't available to them directly. As Kevin said, they will be soliciting sponsorship locally which I'm sure they have done in the past. Much easier to knock on a local business door and talk to the decision maker directly. They quite possibly are customers at the local track and enjoy auto racing.

Regional and National companies are also looking for opportunities to provide some money to advertise and help their business as well. However, the amount of time and effort it takes to get there without having an "inside track" is extremely difficult. Name recognition is very important and drives the cart no matter what you are trying to get.

To me this seems like a win-win situation for the local tracks. Whatever you receive from this is money that 99% of the tracks couldn't get from their own efforts. I hope that the tracks that have signed up can see success in gaining additional funding.

Be nice to people on the way up. You might need them on the way down. Jimmy Durante
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1/9/14, 2:49 PM   #34
Re: 8 tracks in Indiana join alliance.
ronmil is offline
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Does anyone besides me remember when TSS (Haubstadt) was a NASCAR sanctioned track many years ago?
Ron Miller
1/9/14, 2:53 PM   #35
Re: 8 tracks in Indiana join alliance.
jjones752 is offline
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Originally Posted by DAD View Post

Best I can remember there was fellow by the name of Jim Jones that was giving Kool Aid away to all his followers a few years ago , thus staring the phrase "don't drink the Kool Aid". A very sad thing to remember. I wish his last name could have been Brown or something else besides Jones.

Honest Dad himself
Exactly my point; at least your first name doesn't match. At one point I considered changing my name to David Koresh but that wouldn't have worked out either. The positive side of it is nobody ever asks me to buy the next round.
Sorry for the diversion, folks; carry on...
Jim Jones
Midwest Thunder Speed2 Midget #97
Last edited by jjones752; 1/9/14 at 2:55 PM.
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1/9/14, 3:28 PM   #36
Re: 8 tracks in Indiana join alliance.
17B is offline
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These comments about being lazy and just do it yourself I don't understand. We are doing it ourselves within our region as I'm sure every track and promoter is doing. But when I talk to my local Home Depot manager about advertising and he says "All that stuff is handled out of Atlanta." And when I ask for the contact number of the person in Atlanta to talk to he says "All you can really do is call the 800 number and use the menus to find the right department.", my chances with a company like that are far better if I have someone who already has a relationship with the right person in Atlanta handle it... while I knock on the door of my locally owned Ace Hardware.[/quote]

One quick added note, we (promotors) even have their number to call them DIRECT if we have any questions or issues or suggestions. Yes its early, no we have not seen anything yet, but only 60 days into it, it has to be somewhat positive to try something new. Sounds good now lets make it happen for all sides of the sport we love.
One quick note added to the comment to above, "All that stuff is handled out of Atlanta." or we get answers like "well our budget is all spoken for this year" or "sorry would love to but business is slow".
Not whining at all, I totally understand the ups and downs of a business.......I love racing and will keep at it,
Maybe somewhere out there is a business that is interested a sponsorship deal or is doing so well they need of write off????
I am not afraid to ask, here at Clay County Speedway on my way to season 3, going to make it better than season 2, which was better than season 1, would love to hear from you, thanks for taking time to read. Oh and thanks to all those current race track supporters!
thanks kevin
Last edited by 17B; 1/9/14 at 4:07 PM.
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1/9/14, 3:42 PM   #37
Re: 8 tracks in Indiana join alliance.
Flatrightrear is offline
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I trust the Helfrich's at Tri-State that they went over this with a fine-tooth comb to see if they thought it would benefit their track and they concluded that it might just be a big help. I fully believe that nobody is going to tell Tom how he is going to run his track. He may be getting some help in promoting his MSCS series as well. He is promoting a series as well as a track.
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1/9/14, 3:51 PM   #38
Re: 8 tracks in Indiana join alliance.
apexonephoto is offline
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The mentality of "we don't want some nascar promoter" is the same reason that many tracks like the "holy ground" of Terre Haute are always getting a new promoter every year it seems. If it is so special and hallowed, why haven't some of the posters on here done it themselves?

This close minded us against the wings, us against fenders and support classes, us against starters mentality is the reason that outside of Indiana, only hardcore race fans even know what USAC or non wing racing is.

Whether you agree with me or not, what's been happening the past few years isn't working.
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1/9/14, 4:01 PM   #39
Re: 8 tracks in Indiana join alliance.
bigq11 is offline
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Originally Posted by ronmil View Post
Does anyone besides me remember when TSS (Haubstadt) was a NASCAR sanctioned track many years ago?
I sure do, but I wouldn't have thought about it if you had not mentioned it.
1/9/14, 4:07 PM   #40
Re: 8 tracks in Indiana join alliance.
Rpracing1 is offline
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Originally Posted by ronmil View Post
Does anyone besides me remember when TSS (Haubstadt) was a NASCAR sanctioned track many years ago?

Ron, I do. I think it lasted a year or so.
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