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4/1/10, 9:39 AM   #31
Re: New Unfriendly Fan Rule
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Originally Posted by racefan20 View Post
John you obvoiusly dont get it. Putting yourself in the position you have put yourself in(with a new series) changes the rules for public discourse. I wouldnt be picking a fight with USAC if I were you, they can make you life miserable(ask Joe Mershon...if you can find him). If I were in your place I would worry about my own series and stay out of stupid petty whinefests like this one.
I'll take Shumans lead and just SHHHHhhhh before the pitch forks and torches come out.
Last edited by john3g; 4/1/10 at 9:41 AM.
4/1/10, 9:53 AM   #32
Re: New Unfriendly Fan Rule
DonMoore10 is offline
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I'm amazed at what I am reading on here. You "race fans" thinking that this rule is just fine ought to sit down and read between the lines of what is going on. As another post eluded to, there are some things going on behind the scenes that you people have NO IDEA About. If you were smart enough to connect the dots you'd understand. For a free sample, you need to sit down and wonder why there have been so few non USAC sanctioned races in Indiana and why midget racing has declined to the point where it is on life support. THERE IS A REASON. IF YOU THINK THAT THE BIG BOX ORG IS THE ONLY AND ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE ON THIS PLANET, THEN I CAN SEE YOUR POINT OF VIEW. I think you are quite naive if that is the case. ARE YOU HAPPY WITH YOUR MIDGET RACING EXPERIENCE FOR A FEW RACES IN ONE WEEK IN THE STATE OF INDIANA???????? THERE'S A REASON WHY THAT IS THE CASE.

Many years ago when I had a party band, we were hired to play a gig at the Hollanden Hotel in downtown Cleveland, OH. The party hiring my services was the local baker's union. When I showed up I was met at the door by the guy who hired us. He said you must vacate the premises because if you play one note, the musician's union will shut down the entire hotel immediately. I went into the party room to get my equipment and another band was already up and playing! Yeah, that fast race fans. And for you race fans that aren't smarter than a fifth grader, the musician's union just decided EXACTLY WHO THE PATRONS WERE GOING TO LISTEN TO THAT EVENING. Yeah.... Is that the way it works in your life? People that you have never met deciding what experiences you'll be consuming??????

Now for all you "race fans" that have your head in the sand, take my example and apply it to what is going on with this rule and the deep, far and wide implications that this will have on who you will see at various tracks around the country.

Here's another example: Let's take driver X, a well known top draw as a racer. There is a race at Speedway B and they are not sanctioning a certain org's races at any time during the race season. The big box org has a race the next day. DRIVER X WILL NOT BE SHOWING UP AT SPEEDWAY B TO ENTERTAIN YOU. PERIOD. HEY... RAce fans... you've just been zoomed by the big box org!!!! And someone you don't even know just decided who you will see entertain you and who you won't see. Is that the way you like your life being dictated?? Congratulations!!!

Now... for all you "race fans" that think this rule is just hunky dory, please come on here and tell us all how this rule is contributing to promoting open wheel racing as a whole. Do you really want somebody in Indianapolis deciding what kind of race experience you will have at your track??
Last edited by DonMoore10; 4/1/10 at 10:10 AM.
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4/1/10, 10:30 AM   #33
Re: New Unfriendly Fan Rule
Seadog is offline
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Case in point. This confirms exactly what I am saying about DM.
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4/1/10, 10:54 AM   #34
Re: New Unfriendly Fan Rule
Drive25usac is offline
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Originally Posted by smith19 View Post
when we raced with usac back in the 70's didn't they have a rule pretty similar to this one?
Yes, but it was aimed more at the car owner. They would issue a TP for the local drivers to come in and run with us. From a car owner point of view, if you ran a non USAC show, you had to have the front axel, and all the related steering parts re-magnafluxed before you could run USAC again. That made running non USAC shows way to expensive.
4/1/10, 10:54 AM   #35
Re: New Unfriendly Fan Rule
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I haven't read most of the posts on the second page of this thread because they are mostly people bickering back and forth because they don't like someone else's positions. I don't have time for that.

BUT, USAC drivers competing for the national title will be able to compete in only one of the "Illinois Sprint Week" races, that being is schedule in June. Only one of those tracks --Granite City -- have a USAC-sanctioned event.

Maybe Don used the wrong phrase. Maybe he should have said it is not "driver" friendly since it restricts their ability to work on nights that USAC is not racing.

And, yes, this is exactly like the USAC, and AAA before it, from the golden era which prevented its drivers from competing in non-sanctioned events, or "outlawed," if a driver expected to continue racing with USAC and ultimately make it to the Indianapolis 500. Many people don't remember that Steve Kinser was given a three-race suspension from USAC in late summer of 1977 for running a non-USAC race. About the same time, Dick Gaines was hurt and Karl Kinser needed a driver. The rest, as they say, is history.

USAC in that era was highly successful and retained its top drivers. The only way to see Pancho Carter, Gary Bettenhausen, or A.J. Foyt race was to attend a USAC event. You wouldn't see them racing at Gas City on Friday night, nor Bloomington, nor Haubstadt.

Maybe we should go back to that system, if the law allowed it.
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4/1/10, 11:10 AM   #36
Re: New Unfriendly Fan Rule
REH24 is offline
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Originally Posted by smith19 View Post
when we raced with usac back in the 70's didn't they have a rule pretty similar to this one?
It was back in the 60's when USAC had that rule. I can remember when Lawrenceburg regulars that ran USAC would run under alias names when they ran the "Burg.

4/1/10, 11:12 AM   #37
Re: New Unfriendly Fan Rule
cshuman is offline
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Ugh... I told myself I would not get into it but damnit...

Gregg, with all do respect, if it was that easy to just call the USAC office and get things changed there would be zero problems, but it doesnt work that way, and thats where these issues just cant be seen the same way between fans on one side of the fence, and competitors on the other. USAC is very good and passing the blame when a issue is brought up to them, and going to them with a issue is pretty pointless these days, you will get the "yea yea we will look into that, thanks for comin," or, "well that is the promoters decision." Fans dont care what intitials they are going to see, they just want to see the best drivers, and I dont blame you one bit, but there is ALOT of money and in some cases peoples livleyhood involved on the other side of the fence, it is two different worlds and its hard for people to understand that sometimes. The majority of owners and drivers dont agree with alot of things going on with USAC, but they also know that its the only game in town (for now), and trying to change things is just a waste of time, or they just wont speak up. I understand many of you saying this rule isnt a big deal, and it may only be a issue a few times throughout the year, but answer this... Why is it necessary?? The point money is great, but why should it matter if Dave Darland goes to run a Powri, or MSCS show the night before Terre Haute?? That is his livelyhood! And nobody has got into what this does to the tracks and their decision to schedule USAC shows or not, because now if the dont, they run the risk of Darland, Stanbrough, Gardner etc not being able to come race on a OFF night from USAC.. So just explain to me who benefits from this rule?? Why is it necessary?? Im not asking sarcastically either..
Last edited by cshuman; 4/1/10 at 11:14 AM.
4/1/10, 11:15 AM   #38
Re: New Unfriendly Fan Rule
racefan20 is offline
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Originally Posted by john3g View Post
I'll take Shumans lead and just SHHHHhhhh before the pitch forks and torches come out.

Now you are catching on.
John Hoover

“To whom little is not enough, nothing is enough.” Epicurus
4/1/10, 11:27 AM   #39
Re: New Unfriendly Fan Rule
VSneader2 is offline
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Copied from the other thread.

"Drivers competing in the National Drivers Championship must agree to not compete in a non-USAC, same series event (series meaning Sprint, Midget, etc), on the day of a scheduled USAC series event. Additionally, the Driver agrees not to compete in a non-USAC same series event within twenty four hours prior or after a USAC series event within two hundred miles of the race facility which the USAC sanctioned Series event is scheduled to be held, without prior written consent of the USAC VP of Competition. This new policy is not imposed for competitors who elect to compete at a non-USAC event at a track conducting at least one (1) USAC National Series event within the calendar year. This rule will go into effect April 1, 2010 and only impacts points earned for The National Drivers Championship and does not impact points earned for traditional USAC Silver Crown, Sprint and Midget National Driver and Owner Championships."

Please see the bold statement. The only ones affected from what I can tell are those who are going the the National Drivers Championship, which if I recall correctly is the driver who earns the most combined points in all 3 classes of USAC. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Regardless of who it pertains to I think this rule is stupid and will hurt every one involved.
Last edited by VSneader2; 4/1/10 at 11:30 AM.
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4/1/10, 11:41 AM   #40
Re: New Unfriendly Fan Rule
Seadog is offline
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Originally Posted by cshuman View Post
Ugh... I told myself I would not get into it but damnit...

Gregg, with all do respect, if it was that easy to just call the USAC office and get things changed there would be zero problems, but it doesnt work that way, and thats where these issues just cant be seen the same way between fans on one side of the fence, and competitors on the other. USAC is very good and passing the blame when a issue is brought up to them, and going to them with a issue is pretty pointless these days, you will get the "yea yea we will look into that, thanks for comin," or, "well that is the promoters decision." Fans dont care what intitials they are going to see, they just want to see the best drivers, and I dont blame you one bit, but there is ALOT of money and in some cases peoples livleyhood involved on the other side of the fence, it is two different worlds and its hard for people to understand that sometimes. The majority of owners and drivers dont agree with alot of things going on with USAC, but they also know that its the only game in town (for now), and trying to change things is just a waste of time, or they just wont speak up. I understand many of you saying this rule isnt a big deal, and it may only be a issue a few times throughout the year, but answer this... Why is it necessary?? The point money is great, but why should it matter if Dave Darland goes to run a Powri, or MSCS show the night before Terre Haute?? That is his livelyhood! And nobody has got into what this does to the tracks and their decision to schedule USAC shows or not, because now if the dont, they run the risk of Darland, Stanbrough, Gardner etc not being able to come race on a OFF night from USAC.. So just explain to me who benefits from this rule?? Why is it necessary?? Im not asking sarcastically either..
I know you don't like USAC because of that SCRA deal and maybe you are just trying to be a good soldier for your dad. I can't blame you for being true to family. But that's now water under the bridge.

The benefit is $116,000.00 in bonus money. Not chump change.

Guess what? If you don't want to get that USAC license and go for that money, then don't do it. Then you can race where ever you want at any time that you want. Some are doing it and some aren't. It's a personal choice for drivers I guess. As a fan, I'm good with it either way. Simple really.

By the way, I think people have less of a chance of making things happen by posting less than flattering comments on IOW about USAC as opposed to talking directly to USAC in a sensible manner. I have sent e-mails and PM's to USAC and have gotten responses. Try it! What do you have to lose?
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