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supdh56 (Offline)
  #31 8/26/13 2:35 PM
Courtesy,........I agree race tracks are not kid friendly any more (if ever) but what kind of example are the drivers setting when they use there cars as a weapon after the checkerd flag and under yellow? I do not go to that many races but it happens almost every time I go. The kids grow up looking for a role model. .......Go ahead everybody and beat me up on this reply! I am idiot for even posting.
3 Likes: mowerman, ronmil, spicoli
suzuki756 (Offline)
  #32 8/26/13 2:44 PM
I deal with the public every day I wonder how most of them can even get out of bed. People have become dumber and dumber in general. Drunks are stupid people I will never take my family to a track because of them .

Posted via Mobile Device
Likes: team3521
ShamrockRacin'48G (Offline)
  #33 8/26/13 7:18 PM
I don't condone drunks getting ugly at the track either, but where I was sitting I musta been around a bunch of professionals, because most of them were drinking something and I didn't see or hear a single ugly thing. If someone is offending you, maybe you could get your lil itty bitty boy parts up and go ask security to keep an eye on them. Don't go home and sit behind your mamas keyboard and tell us how offended you are. The day I cannot go to the parking lot and do some bench racing and have a beer with friends is the day I will quit going. I've used drunks as a teaching moment for my kids to say "look how foolish that guy looks, his mom must be proud"...I'm tired of having things I enjoy taken away from me. If a guy is outta line he deserves to be thrown out, but for most of us, don't even think about taking away my beer drinkin and my sprint cars, because the fight will be on....there's probably things that you do that I don't like...maybe like bringing your lil lapdog to the races, I don't really like that, but you know what? I won't get on here and rant and try to get it outlawed, I'll just laugh and remind myself that there's different strokes for different folks....Thanks to Kokomo Speedway for another amazing event, kool to see DD running the top, just like he did when Kokomo was a flat 1/4...Congrats DD!
13 Likes: bandres21, BrentTFunk, fish, FishBurger, jim goerge, jjsprt92, luckybuc97, monkeyboy, mowerman, Pine, ROSS, supdh56, worm
Sprintcarfanatic (Offline)
  #34 8/26/13 7:56 PM
I no longer smoke the weed. If I did & you could tell I was stoned I'd love for you tell the story on here because I guarantee you you wouldn't have a single bad thing to say about it.
There are some from Hosehead's that have probably seen me stoned back in the day. Have I ever been thrown out for causing problems. NO.
Those same folks still talk to me today when we see each other at the track.
I fully believe the ones that are stoned and causing problems are doing something else along with smoking the weed.
Likes: racenut69
mowerman (Offline)
  #35 8/26/13 8:33 PM
I'm gonna quit going to the races too . I seen 2 squirrels sitting in front of us and the sign at the front gate said NO ANIMALS ALLOWED .
8 Likes: Danny Burton, Half fast, i love dirt track racing, jim goerge, Koonzee, LittleRube, luckybuc97, racefan20
BrentTFunk (Offline)
  #36 8/26/13 8:33 PM
I fall into both categories. I am fifty years old so at many tracks I am considered young. ( a problem within itself) 8 nights this year I have drank. 7 of those were at races. I try to be respectful of people. Mudpaker sat in front of me, and I don't believe I offended him or anyone else. As for people having fun in the parking lot or camping area, more power to them. No one I saw was out of line. If someone is out of line either say something to them or track security. If you don't say anything you are part of the problem. I hate for anyone to ruin someone elses good time, but while this thread was started by someone with a real complaint, others are just complaining. Relax and try to have a good time. I have a 2 Grandsons, who live in GA, that I do not see very often, and all weekend I kept thinking I wish they were here with me. Just for the record I would not have been drinking.Remeber whichever side of this discussion you are on, try to have fun, that is why we go.
7 Likes: fish, FishBurger, i love dirt track racing, jim goerge, Koonzee, supdh56, worm
Mud Packer (Offline)
  #37 8/26/13 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by BrentTFunk:
I fall into both categories. I am fifty years old so at many tracks I am considered young. ( a problem within itself) 8 nights this year I have drank. 7 of those were at races. I try to be respectful of people. Mudpaker sat in front of me, and I don't believe I offended him or anyone else. As for people having fun in the parking lot or camping area, more power to them. No one I saw was out of line. If someone is out of line either say something to them or track security. If you don't say anything you are part of the problem. I hate for anyone to ruin someone elses good time, but while this thread was started by someone with a real complaint, others are just complaining. Relax and try to have a good time. I have a 2 Grandsons, who live in GA, that I do not see very often, and all weekend I kept thinking I wish they were here with me. Just for the record I would not have been drinking.Remeber whichever side of this discussion you are on, try to have fun, that is why we go.
Brent you were A okay all three days. Your other half, not so much.


Be nice to people on the way up. You might need them on the way down. Jimmy Durante
Likes: BrentTFunk
jim goerge (Offline)
  #38 8/27/13 11:25 AM
There is a BIG difference between having a few beers and getting completely wasted
4 Likes: badgerfan, FishBurger, larsonfan, Obie
LittleRube (Offline)
  #39 8/27/13 1:27 PM
Originally Posted by mowerman:
I'm gonna quit going to the races too . I seen 2 squirrels sitting in front of us and the sign at the front gate said NO ANIMALS ALLOWED .
Were they drunk squirrels???

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mowerman (Offline)
  #40 8/27/13 1:52 PM
Originally Posted by LittleRube:
Were they drunk squirrels???
They looked like Modern Day Squirrels .
2 Likes: Obie, Tim Watson
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