Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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Mrs G (Offline)
  #41 6/14/24 3:07 PM
Originally Posted by The Old Coyote:
This problem is getting really annoying! I have a high speed connection and this site takes forever to load and navigate!! I have no problem with any other sites, just IOW!
Throughout the day as I read books online, check various news sites and social media, I skip going to IOW, which used to be my go to site when surfing, because of this frustrating lack of performance.
Sadly, I believe Bill Gardner must be turning in his grave if he can see how horrible the performance of his site has become!

Good to know, appreciate the feedback. My apologies for the inconvenience you’ve experienced. Please know the issue has been reported.

Oh, and the only thing my husband would be turning in his grave about is the fact that this site is still running. His wish 10 years ago was that I kill it after he passed.
19 Likes: Andrew S. Quinn, Bostonian, Charles Nungester, Chief Wahoo, Daisy's dad, Dirtfan, erich45, Ilovedirttrackracing, Jerry Shaw, luckybuc97, LUCKYONE, mc/rider, PJ Wright, racefan20, racenut69, stp6237, The Old Coyote, TQ29m, Wendy Atkin
Jerry Shaw (Offline)
  #42 6/14/24 5:08 PM
Originally Posted by The Old Coyote:
This problem is getting really annoying! I have a high speed connection and this site takes forever to load and navigate!! I have no problem with any other sites, just IOW!
Throughout the day as I read books online, check various news sites and social media, I skip going to IOW, which used to be my go to site when surfing, because of this frustrating lack of performance.
Sadly, I believe Bill Gardner must be turning in his grave if he can see how horrible the performance of his site has become!
If you want to be sanctimonious and disrespectful to Mrs G (the person that is the sole reason this board is still in existence), Old Coyote, maybe the time has come for her to close up shop and for you to start a new and improved version of IOW. Just a thought.


A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.

Winston Churchill
6 Likes: cowboyhar69, erich45, mc/rider, PJ Wright, racefan20, The Old Coyote
The Old Coyote (Online)
  #43 6/15/24 7:50 AM
The problem has been fixed. Thank you.

Real Race Cars Don't Have Fenders!
Likes: Mrs G
Hubie48 (Offline)
  #44 6/15/24 10:10 AM
I still post here as I don't want to get involved with a bunch of Wing racing. I honestly don't like the fact you have to say "traditional" sprint car racing.

Sprint cars don't have wings, pretty simple.

Winged Sprint Cars is a whole another kettle of fish, or should I say "fi$h"

I was on this board very early. Corresponded with Bill and even talked with him a few times at Lincoln Park Speedway. Back in the wild and wooely days of Duke Cook typing in capitol letters EVERY POST! I had several friends on here but sadly like Bill Gardner himself have passed away. I know many guys who read but never post and it seems if you don't fall in lock step it does not take much to become ostracized. Sprint Car racing is my passion and I lead a busy life. Don't have time to search around looking for "my kind of people." Message boards are for discussion and everyone is entitled an opinion. Kind of makes the world go around 'ya know?

I really don't think Old Coyote meant any harm and had he known it was going to upset folks would have worded his post better. People get frustrated (!!!!) In the end it is really no big deal IMO

Thanks Mrs G.


Likes: The Old Coyote
racefan20 (Offline)
  #45 6/15/24 2:29 PM
I was on this board very early. Corresponded with Bill and even talked with him a few times at Lincoln Park Speedway. Back in the wild and wooely days of Duke Cook typing in capitol letters EVERY POST! [/QUOTE]

and Larry O

John Hoover

“To whom little is not enough, nothing is enough.” Epicurus
Likes: OnTheHammer
Vookie (Offline)
  #46 6/15/24 4:06 PM
Originally Posted by racefan20:
and Larry O
Vookie (Offline)
  #47 6/15/24 4:13 PM
The Old Coyote (Online)
  #48 6/16/24 12:07 PM
First and foremost I want to state unequivocally that I respect Mrs. G every bit as much as I did her late husband and that I very much appreciate what she does for us as race fans. It is not my intention to criticize, complain or ridicule the efforts of anyone associated with this site.

Using, my download speed is in excess of 300Mbps and I have no problem accessing other sites.

I respectfully ask only a simple question, and that is why does the slow response time of the IOW site seem to come and go? There must be some technical reason this happens.

Regardless, I am and will remain a faithful member of this excellent site.

Real Race Cars Don't Have Fenders!
2 Likes: 2fast4u, Hubie48
RacingFan52 (Offline)
  #49 6/16/24 2:12 PM
I agree. Speed may be ok and then slow down. My speed has been like a snail for a couple weeks or so. Earlier this year I had the same problem, very slow. After discussions on this site, it seemed to go back to normal.
Charles Nungester (Online)
  #50 6/16/24 2:37 PM
It's slower than ever now, But not going to insult people.
Fix it if you can.

Charles Nungester
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