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4/4/14, 3:50 PM   #51
Re: duquion 9-29
buckshot3448 is offline

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Originally Posted by openwheel44 View Post
It would be no different if you put a 1000cc upright guy in a full midget, 305 sprint car or 360 sprinter......let alone a 410. More power. More power usually means you have "upgraded." Who wouldn't want that? A bigger car gives a more enhanced sensation of speed due to mass. Yes, a midget is the same size as our cars but the power to weight ratio..........absolutely no comparison. Midgets can over power a race track easily. We can't. Each type car requires it's own driving style. That is what makes midgets on small tracks so entertaining. I think POWERi realized they can't compete "show wise" with sprint cars on the bigger tracks (1/2 miles) what do you do? Go where you can make the best show. 3/8th and smaller. I still say "our" best shows are on 1/4 miles.

Watching various Chili Bowl and Shootout videos................Besides the full midgets, the 600's put on the best side by side racing and slide jobs. Lightning sprints did a descent job.....just not as appealing. I don't know what the 600's looked like at DuQuoin but the three in car videos I watched of the Lighting Sprints.........go low and go slow. Bumper tag on the bottom is all I saw. Idling through the corners or with minimal power applied. Then buzz the sh*t out of it when the car was straight. The heats were probably better but the feature.....???? Now go watch a midget race in there. Much different. Even after the track is gone. Full lock slides, slide jobs out the butt, wheel stands, multiple lines to race. Didn't see any Lightning sprints doing that. Not trying to hurt anyone's feelings just saying what I have seen.

My hat is off to anyone that attended. You supported the class. I just chose not to go because I would rather apply my racing buget to a facility that better suits what I expect out of racing. I sincerely hope Mr. Nace does it again for everyone's sake becasue it is really a good thing for those that prefer that kind of racing. But with the car counts versus the purse versus spectators..........I just hope he came out well enough to justify it all. Didn't he have 6-7 classes though?

And yes........I have a 600cc Multi. On a small track (1/6 mile and smaller)........I will take it over the 1000cc any day. I hate to say that but I have to be honest.
Phil i agree the midget shows are great at DuQuoin but they changed the layout this year for some reason. idk if thats his normal kart layout or what but it doesnt have the shape and the room like the normal midgets do. Also the track was just not right to be able to run anywhere but on the bottom for the most part. I do agree 1/4 miles tracks are more exciting and fun for the fans which is what its really about. All ive heard when you get to the bigger tracks is they spread out and no passin sure the speed is great but we need to make the fans happy.
4/4/14, 4:32 PM   #52
Re: duquion 9-29
DAD is offline
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The track was probably bigger. They fattened it up and took out the bleacher section on the front stretch since we were there last. The last time it had 2 straits and 2 hairpin turns. It built a supper little cushion that the dumbies would run right back in every caution.

There big need would be indoor pits in the out building with the out building to arena being covered for the racers to stage in and close the far end of the out building off for heat. How about 3 times more parking also. Wish in one hand etc etc. Every time we go it is either snowing or raining, could they also do something about the danged weather.

Seems like if they would finish the out building and connect the two they could call it a wing and use it for flea markets, gun shows, car shows and so on to generate more money for the state. That's how us Hoosiers and Hillbillys do it.

Did you notice also that when we were racing the fumes were not a problem even with the doors closed. Wonder why that is?

Honest Dad himself
Last edited by DAD; 4/4/14 at 4:44 PM.
Reply Indiana Open Wheel > Indiana Open Wheel Forum > duquion 9-29

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