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cbaumeyer48 (Offline)
  #61 7/11/13 2:54 PM

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openwheel44 (Offline)
  #62 7/11/13 2:55 PM
Stock length after market steel rods present no performance gain if they weigh as much if not slightly more than stock rods. That is the premise here. And don't have to change a bunch of other stuff to simply put them in the motor. Not if you know what you are buying and know what you are doing. Simply installing after market stock length, same weight rods does not make for a "built motor" as you call it. So explain to me how this simple procedure constitutes the statement MALS allows "built motors?" Wouldn't that mean we allow other modifications? Which we don't. Forgot to mention.....we also check compression and can scope the motor to check for piston abnormalities.

I personally don't have any problem with absolutely stock OEM components everywhere. That is way I have raced Lighting Sprints since we switched to the new 1000cc motors and got away from the old 1200's. Like I motors are right out of the bike. Period. Have a mechanical issue......trash it and get another. Too expensive to split the cases on these motors.

What do you propose to do with the guys that buy an unknown motor, have it freshened to be safe and spend that money with the motor man? Hearing stories of $800-$1500 to get that done. Does that make it a high $$ motor too? That motor could cost you between $3000-$4,000 also. ????

No one answered the question...........who is actually teching at other races? How do any of you actually know what you are racing against? MALS is at least stating our rules and enforcing them the best we can. We're not saying we have all the answers but someone has to do something to get this class back on track. Maybe we need to tweak a rule or two but we are doing more than anyone else is at present the way I see it. BTW....MALS simply went by what our area races decided on at our last winter meeting.

This is why groups need to meet and come up with a set of standard rules..........THEN ENFORCE THEM!!

Look at IMCA motor claim system............not good. At least not around these parts.
Likes: Quantrill
cbaumeyer48 (Offline)
  #63 7/11/13 3:06 PM distracted by the "bad Idea T-Shirts" ad at the bottom of the page.

I usually don't chime in, but I would love it if u "Gentlemen" out there with the knowledge and voices would put this effort towards an agreeable set of rules between a few series as many have discussed throughout this thread. Stock would be absolutely wonderful for those of us who show up with economy equipment (open trailers, low dollar cars, ect). It would be in the best interest of racing if we could all work together to make it FUN,..... And let's not forget work on some increased safety ideas! Just my opinion..... Hope I don't offend anyone.

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Likes: Phylo82
buckshot3448 (Offline)
  #64 7/11/13 3:23 PM
ILSS has teched before and continues to tech motors. Yes this year we have not done it yet but the people in the top 3 have all been regular racers who have been thru the tech line before and have passed. I wish someone would run a claim rule i could come out ahead with better motors lol.
Likes: wing-44
little Spike (Offline)
  #65 7/11/13 3:39 PM
A.M.S.A. tech's 3 cars after the feature, they check the cars before any race to make sure they are safe (strap in belts, helmet, tires, etc) they don't want anyone hurt. they have a good set of rules and they are followed. you can't please everyone if all the association would try. no one wants to hear or follow the rules. someone will always want to cheat.
2 Likes: Bradleyracing86, somebodysmam
Quantrill (Offline)
  #66 7/11/13 3:40 PM
Billy why was Andy allowed to run with his engler?? Per ILSS rules... All motors on alcohol must run a stock throttle body. No ENGLER injection allowed. Rosson or Guhl is OK

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buckshot3448 (Offline)
  #67 7/11/13 3:48 PM
Like i said only the top 3 are teched and andy broke. If he came over with engler injection then he got away with it. They showed up late right before hot laps. You wouldnt check for a big motor before a race would you?
openwheel44 (Offline)
  #68 7/11/13 3:50 PM
Glad to hear others are actually teching. Safety techs are a given. No reason to NOT have them. What exactly are they teching? Just trying to see what seems the best way to handle this tech issue and what seems to be the most important things from others perspective.

We tech the same car every race if need be. I have been fortunate enough to be teched everytime. Even at the MLS race. And I insisted it happen. That way you know a motor hasn't been switched or altered. We are working on a seal system to possibly eliminate continual techs of the same car though. Another tweak for next year.........
  #69 7/11/13 3:54 PM
This post was just about me asking MMSA drivers about letting me race with them. Its taken a crazy turn and has brought up some good questions. Also the entertainment is pretty good too. Thanks this got me though work today!!!

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4 Likes: Bradleyracing86, Copperhead, DAD, wing-44
TFortune39 (Offline)
  #70 7/11/13 3:55 PM
He was not in his car which has the Engler injection. He was in his brothers car the 1x which does not have Engler injection

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