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7/20/11, 3:46 PM   #1
Hoosier DT3 Tire Rule Killing Local Racers
treecitytornado is offline
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Let me start by saying that when the Hoosier DT3 was introduced as a right rear tire rule at Putnamville and with MSCS in the early 2000s, I was all for it! Not Anymore! The DT3s that have been produced this season and in 2010 won't run more than one night of competition before they give up. I have seen this first hand and have talked to several other good local racers that confirm this as well. It used to be up until last season you could take a new DT3, groove & sipe it, and run it for at least 5 shows, sometimes more depending on track conditions. You could do this and still be very competitive.

Now we have every track in the state besides Paragon on the DT3 Rule as well as USAC and MSCS. In Ohio, thankfully Waynesfield dropped their tire rule of Hoosier only across the rear and went to an Open Tire Rule and the newly formed Buckeye Outlaw Sprint Series is also on an Open Tire Rule. The "Road to the Hewitt" Series is the only Non-Wing deal in Ohio on a Tire Rule at this time.

I understand the local Indiana Tracks like the $5000 a year plus for the point fund which normally still doesn’t amount to much and USAC/MSCS have been Hoosier supporters for years especially if you count the USAC pavement races.

This Monopoly needs to STOP or it will eventually run the local working class racer clear out of the picture!

Buy the brand you want to,that makes you competitive, and lasts the longest!

Paragon, Waynesfield, and BOSS have it right! Everyone else needs to take a hard look at how much their local racers now have to spend to be competitive, especially when Hoosier continues to jack up the prices! Local Racers speak up at the Drivers Meetings and tell the promoters what you want and hopefully they will listen!
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7/20/11, 3:52 PM   #2
Re: Hoosier DT3 Tire Rule Killing Local Racer
sp6967 is offline
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i wouldn't run that tire if i didn't have to.
7/20/11, 3:53 PM   #3
Re: Hoosier DT3 Tire Rule Killing Local Racer
Wallsracing is offline
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42 sprinters at lps saturday must be doing something right,,
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7/20/11, 3:53 PM   #4
Re: Hoosier DT3 Tire Rule Killing Local Racer
kcarm92 is offline
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could it posseably be because of tire treatment that some of the teams are using, that their tires arnt lasting? dt 3 is still cheaper than a new 10 or 12, dont know about american racer jmo
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7/20/11, 3:56 PM   #5
Re: Hoosier DT3 Tire Rule Killing Local Racer
Joltin Joe
Joltin Joe is offline
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I will agree with you....the DT3 is a terrible tire...................Its all about how much money the track and tire company can make off of a tire rule, and by making the tire not last as long the tire company can make more money by selling more tires.

I went through this same deal with go karts years ago.....If the tire is prepped right it will last longer..... "nothing like a new prepped tire"
Im "Joltin" Joe Liguori and i approve this message.
Last edited by Joltin Joe; 7/20/11 at 3:57 PM.
7/20/11, 4:11 PM   #6
Kirk Spridgeon
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Justin Grant said he won at North Vernon on Monday after running the same right-rear in Sprintweek at Gas City & Kokomo, I believe. Just for a counterpoint. I always thought things were fine before, and I really liked the Medium used in the TNT Series also...
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7/20/11, 4:24 PM   #7
HRI99 is offline

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I won sat night with a four race old dt3 and am running it #5 at gas city
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7/20/11, 4:25 PM   #8
Re: Hoosier DT3 Tire Rule Killing Local Racer
Joltin Joe
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On a track like North Vernon a good used tire should be better.. the more a tire is used the harder it gets..When a Track is hot, hard, and sandy(like NV was) a harder tire is the way to go....but tracks like gas city, bloomington, and p-ville....a new tire will always be better.
Im "Joltin" Joe Liguori and i approve this message.
7/20/11, 4:43 PM   #9
Re: Hoosier DT3 Tire Rule Killing Local Racer
1121 is offline
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I've tried to stay out of the tire wars this year, but let me mention this. New tires are always faster then used tires. But I have been helping Jim Payne run the MTS series up in Michigan. Michigan tracks are notoriously hard, slick and abrasive. We have three features on a DT3 plus another night when we couldn't make the car run right and only ran a few laps. We could still probably run it another night, but we'll buy a new one for the next race so we have a good spare (we don't have a spare RR right now).
Is it the best tire out there right now? Certainly not. But when everyone is on them, it doesn't matter.

Tom Paterson
7/20/11, 4:56 PM   #10
Re: Hoosier DT3 Tire Rule Killing Local Racer
babcock14d is offline
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here we go again!
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