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6/28/24, 8:30 PM   #1
USAC Announcer
leftrear is offline

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Why does he still announce a top 5 for qualifying ? It's the top 6 that count in USAC and he still going into July announces the top 5. It might be picky but it would be nice to hear the top six.
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6/29/24, 1:26 AM   #2
Re: USAC Announcer
deadbird is online now

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USAC is really missing out on promoting and growing their product when it comes to their Flo coverage. This new announcer is very hard to enjoy listening to, especially his screaming lunch money hype routine. Thank God for the mute button. The real concern to me with what they lack is, all the dead air time when there's no on-track action. Drake does a great job of digging up info and it would be really nice if they would use that down time with live driver and crew/owner interviews. The Hi Limit coverage is 1000 times better, and they are showcasing their product tremendously. I wish they would leave Kristy in the booth all night, she adds so much valuable insight without acting like a circus barker!
I know I should be thankful to be able to watch live non wing dirt racing, and thank you Flo and USAC for giving me that much, but do yourselves a favor and promote your product!
6/29/24, 8:22 AM   #3
Re: USAC Announcer
Hubie48 is offline
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I could go on and on about this

Just when I figured it could not get any worse they pull another log out of the bowl. The announcer must practice how many words he can say in 30 seconds and somehow the notion of running off at the mouth is better than dead air time, or the proper way to address said dead air time has gotten totally off the rails.

so now I am "saving my lunch money" to buy amphetamines so I can stay up long enough to watch this train wreck of a broadcast.

Yes the mute button is being used just as much as last year!

and shout out to Tony Laporta. He found the perfect job as the color guy or pit reporter for the High Limit Series. I was a huge critic of his when he was on the USAC broadcasts. In my opinion he is doing a much, much better job with High Limit. I always thought he was funny, he just got overbearing during his stretch with USAC. I found it totally ironic Tony asking people to take their hats off the whole time wearing his own! They remedied that about a month ago. So Tony if your reading this, Good Job!
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6/29/24, 8:25 AM   #4
DJlives is offline

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When Bryan is announcing he is also serving as the track PA announcer. So part of what he does is consistent with that aspect of his job description
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6/29/24, 8:26 AM   #5
Re: USAC Announcer
The Old Coyote
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I agree with deadbird about the down time and how good Drake is. USAC and FLO really need to take advantage of this young man's skills to promote their brand, because he is extremely knowledgeable well spoken. He has a bright future and USAC should utilize him while he is around. I would love to see him do Sprint Car 101 stuff like Chet used to and show people just how cool these cars are.

As far as Brian's hype, they all their way of introducing the start of the race. I believe he does a good job with the "play by play" and he is also very knowledgeable of the overall sport of open wheel racing.
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6/29/24, 8:38 AM   #6
Re: USAC Announcer
Hubie48 is offline
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and he is also very knowledgeable of the overall sport of open wheel racing.

And so is 90% of the audience.....
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6/29/24, 11:09 AM   #7
Re: USAC Announcer
MBoersma is offline

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Originally Posted by DJlives View Post
When Bryan is announcing he is also serving as the track PA announcer. So part of what he does is consistent with that aspect of his job description
Chet did the same thing during most of his tenure...big difference.
6/29/24, 11:40 AM   #8
Re: USAC Announcer
DJlives is offline

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So why did Chet sometimes say "Love it or hate it, you know you want to say it?" Because some absolutely hated "It's time to drop the Hammer" Which is all you need to know. As enormously popular as Chet was he wasn't everyone's cup of tea either. Somewhere in my head I am hearing the chorus of the Ricky Nelson song Garden Party
6/29/24, 2:00 PM   #9
Re: USAC Announcer
Chief Wahoo
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With all the crap going on in the great USA 🇺🇸 and around the world, why can’t we just be thankful for the ability to watch the sport we love when we’re not able to make it to the track? Every announcer that USAC has had over the last several years, somebody finds a reason to complain about them. I’m just grateful to Flo and to all those that make the broadcasts possible.
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6/29/24, 3:46 PM   #10
Re: USAC Announcer
Charles Nungester
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For someone who was brutal on Laporta.

I like Brian, I liked Chet better but say la vie

Bryan in pleasant most times. His Hype on the four wide and is for the fans in the stands. I agree about any line would be better than What you saved your lunch money for. But you watch anyone fifty plus times a year and certain things are going to get on your nerves from anybody.
The main thngs I wish USAC would do better is put drivers car owner and hometown on Race Monitor. Maybe even score the support class on the ticker. A few more interviews would be great, especially with racers not normally on the national tour. Get to learn who they are.

Im sorry, Im unimpressed with HL's coverage. They sound like they're at a wake and would rather trade self deprecating jabs at each other than give facts and figures and future event dates. The downtime is EXCESSIVE and a repeating drone loop is ridiculous. I also don't get the not interviewing the winners. The Playlist crap is just that, IT's a event, Play music that gets people reved up and interested not TAYLOR SWIFT.
Charles Nungester
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