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8/7/08, 11:13 PM   #1
UNION COUNTY - Midget Week
Kevin Miller
Kevin Miller is offline

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USAC disappointed our fans tonight with the indefinite postponement of a scheduled Indiana Midget Week race at Union County Speedway. The decision was made after numerous safety concerns were raised by our Officials and competitors.

We will not apologize for acting in the best interest of safety for our competitors. The track, which has not held a USAC event in many years, was deemed to have features which could pose harm to our competitors. We regret the decision had to be made on race day. While there will be many excuses and blame to spread around, USAC will take the responsibility.

Changes have already been made which are intended to prevent this situations from occurring.

Thank you for your continued support. We commit to you some of the greatest racing action and best drivers in racing today. We are continually evolving to bring you a greater experience with USAC.
8/7/08, 11:53 PM   #2
Re: UNION COUNTY - Midget Week
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Tough deal all the way around. But driver and fan safety has to be number one priority. I know everyone will blame USAC and dont get me wrong they should take some of the blame but as Mr. Miller has stated ...they take responsibility and I am sure that Jason Smith and Jason McCord will not let this happen again....Two of the nicest guys you will meet and they do have the best interest of the racers and fans at heart....

Sprint A main....Kent Christian wins followed by Hess and Shuman

Midget A main...Buckwalter wins followed by Ballou, Hess, Westfall and Christian in a team car to Ballou (Felker).. <<<< check it out.......ALL DRIVERS SHOULD BE MEMBERS...GET ON BOARD..... CALL OR EMAIL ANY QUESTIONS
8/7/08, 11:59 PM   #3
Re: UNION COUNTY - Midget Week
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8/8/08, 12:19 AM   #4
Re: UNION COUNTY - Midget Week
agar is offline
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what were the concerns and how many teams went home
8/8/08, 12:20 AM   #5
Re: UNION COUNTY - Midget Week
767 is offline
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plan and simple, this matter should have been resolved before today. the usac office is less than an hour and a half away. Hell the decision should have been made early in the day, not at 7pm. Terrible thing usac did to union county sppedway tonight. I found out on another message board that there were 4 issues. 3 were fixed. then usac let the drivers vote. that is rediculouse. if the place is so dangerouse, a car should have never showed up. i can't wait for the all statrs to show back up to Union County! By the way i am speeking for a group of 6, not huge, but bloomington just lost $120 for tomorrow night. And we will deffinatly not go to the burg now!
8/8/08, 12:23 AM   #6
Re: UNION COUNTY - Midget Week
bherzog513 is offline

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What a bunch of bullcrap to post about nobody showing up for a race.............................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ................................................. Catch fence is now subject...................are you f ing kidding me?????

I can post all kinds of back up to why everything that everyone is saying is not the reason for not racing.

If you dont have cars you cant have a race and that is what happend!!!!!! Usac is now working the press like George Bush?
8/8/08, 12:23 AM   #7
Re: UNION COUNTY - Midget Week
767 is offline
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Originally Posted by agar View Post
what were the concerns and how many teams went home
gradder outside of turn 2 witha tree growing out of it

rebar on the top side of the wall in turn 3, rebar was bent down by hand then smashed flat with a hammer

burm on front stretch straight a way was to high, they removed it with a bobcat

light poles in turn 1 and 2

these things did not come about over night

this is from Mike something on midget maddness board
8/8/08, 12:23 AM   #8
Re: UNION COUNTY - Midget Week
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This is only what I fence in turn 1 and 2....rebar sticking out of the concrete walls on straight they put one layer as the base with rebar sticking out of the top to put a second layer on top...but no second layer was ever put on top....i did not see this ...this is only what i heard so i can not say this is fact.....also heard there were 47 midgets ..14 stayed...and 33 sprints and also 14 stayed.....hopefully someone who was there can shed a little more light on this.......
8/8/08, 12:26 AM   #9
Re: UNION COUNTY - Midget Week
767 is offline
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Originally Posted by Racin4Fun View Post
This is only what I fence in turn 1 and 2....rebar sticking out of the concrete walls on straight they put one layer as the base with rebar sticking out of the top to put a second layer on top...but no second layer was ever put on top....i did not see this ...this is only what i heard so i can not say this is fact.....also heard there were 47 midgets ..14 stayed...and 33 sprints and also 14 stayed.....hopefully someone who was there can shed a little more light on this.......

they did fix the front stretch. with a second layer
8/8/08, 12:31 AM   #10
Re: UNION COUNTY - Midget Week
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Originally Posted by 767 View Post
they did fix the front stretch. with a second layer
thank to bed.....i am sure i will have plenty to read tomorrow.
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