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6/25/24, 3:18 PM   #1
Maverick Mayhem Feedback
staggerman is offline
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I attended all 4 nights and it was a great to see some great winged racing in Indiana. Big thanks to the Maverick and IRA sanctions for putting this event together. Car counts were tremendous and had a great variety of teams participating. As someone who loves all sprint car racing but I get mainly to winged shows in Ohio nowadays. Indiana fans should be proud to be able to go to events at Lincoln Park, Bloomington, Tri-state and Terre Haute. Great facilities, nice staff, know how to work a track when needed, and good food at each. Really give a thumbs up to the tenderloin at Terre Haute!

Suggestions for 2025:
1) Add non-wing sprints as lone support class each night. This would expand the attendance from the non winged fans who could get exposed to winged racing and vice versa. I saw many complaining online of the $30 price for attendance but that is only $5 more than a USAC show and much larger purse was paid.
2) Have set race format that is consistent night to night
3) Thursday was a tough sell for the fans, maybe a 3 night weekend is enough but not sure what track I would get rid of as I liked them all?
4) Promotion needs improved, more on social media and local advertising. Many people did not know the event was going on

Lets do it again in 2025
6/25/24, 3:48 PM   #2
Re: Maverick Mayhem Feedback
Dale is offline
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The B and C Saturday were two of the best races I have seen this year.
Halfway between Springfield & DuQuoin, and Gilbert AZ
6/26/24, 8:07 AM   #3
Re: Maverick Mayhem Feedback
767 is offline
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Originally Posted by staggerman View Post
I attended all 4 nights and it was a great to see some great winged racing in Indiana. Big thanks to the Maverick and IRA sanctions for putting this event together. Car counts were tremendous and had a great variety of teams participating. As someone who loves all sprint car racing but I get mainly to winged shows in Ohio nowadays. Indiana fans should be proud to be able to go to events at Lincoln Park, Bloomington, Tri-state and Terre Haute. Great facilities, nice staff, know how to work a track when needed, and good food at each. Really give a thumbs up to the tenderloin at Terre Haute!

Suggestions for 2025:
1) Add non-wing sprints as lone support class each night. This would expand the attendance from the non winged fans who could get exposed to winged racing and vice versa. I saw many complaining online of the $30 price for attendance but that is only $5 more than a USAC show and much larger purse was paid.
2) Have set race format that is consistent night to night
3) Thursday was a tough sell for the fans, maybe a 3 night weekend is enough but not sure what track I would get rid of as I liked them all?
4) Promotion needs improved, more on social media and local advertising. Many people did not know the event was going on

Lets do it again in 2025
I will never understand the wing hatred. I enjoy both. I have a ton of respect for the drivers that are able to run well in both. Field quality was GREAT!
6/26/24, 10:10 AM   #4
Re: Maverick Mayhem Feedback
hilly is offline

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We only made it to Terre Haute. I thought the racing was great! My first time seeing wings on at TH. Watching them come into turn 1 from the infield was wild. Worth the money IMO. My boys loved it and the ice cream was good lol. I second the idea for nonwing support class.
6 members like this post: Dale, dirtybob29, flagboy55, Hubie48, Hustlin-Hoosier, nathans1012
6/26/24, 2:11 PM   #5
Re: Maverick Mayhem Feedback
Hubie48 is offline
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I don't have hatred, just not a wing guy (and I doubt I ever will be)

That being said, the series was excellent and I enjoyed as the racing was close. I was flabbergasted at the car counts. It is no big mystery, its the money from 4th thru the field which makes it viable
6 members like this post: flagboy55, nathans1012, OnTheHammer, racenut69, spicoli, Tom23
6/27/24, 4:12 PM   #6
Re: Maverick Mayhem Feedback
spankytoo is offline
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Originally Posted by staggerman View Post

Suggestions for 2025:
1) Add non-wing sprints as lone support class each night. This would expand the attendance from the non winged fans who could get exposed to winged racing and vice versa. I saw many complaining online of the $30 price for attendance but that is only $5 more than a USAC show and much larger purse was paid.
2) Have set race format that is consistent night to night
3) Thursday was a tough sell for the fans, maybe a 3 night weekend is enough but not sure what track I would get rid of as I liked them all?
4) Promotion needs improved, more on social media and local advertising. Many people did not know the event was going on

Lets do it again in 2025
Having non-wing as a support class is a stupid suggestion for 2 reasons. The first is that the classes of cars like two different tracks. Wings like it drier and non-wing like it wetter. The wings go first and wear out the track and then the non-wing get a dry-slick huggy pole race which makes their racing suck and cements them as a slower, not as entertaining race. Second is we (non-wing) don't want to classified as a lower class. They spend a lot of money just like wings to race a different style of racing.
If you look in your mirror and see a line of cars behind you, be kind and pull over.
6/27/24, 7:27 PM   #7
Re: Maverick Mayhem Feedback
yeleyfan76 is offline
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Originally Posted by spankytoo View Post
Having non-wing as a support class is a stupid suggestion for 2 reasons. The first is that the classes of cars like two different tracks. Wings like it drier and non-wing like it wetter. The wings go first and wear out the track and then the non-wing get a dry-slick huggy pole race which makes their racing suck and cements them as a slower, not as entertaining race. Second is we (non-wing) don't want to classified as a lower class. They spend a lot of money just like wings to race a different style of racing.
You absolutely could not have worded your statement any better! Well done on the common sense.
4 members like this post: Fat RR, flagboy55, OnTheHammer, wallbanger II
6/27/24, 7:58 PM   #8
Re: Maverick Mayhem Feedback
Charles Nungester
Charles Nungester is offline
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Originally Posted by spankytoo View Post
Having non-wing as a support class is a stupid suggestion for 2 reasons. The first is that the classes of cars like two different tracks. Wings like it drier and non-wing like it wetter. The wings go first and wear out the track and then the non-wing get a dry-slick huggy pole race which makes their racing suck and cements them as a slower, not as entertaining race. Second is we (non-wing) don't want to classified as a lower class. They spend a lot of money just like wings to race a different style of racing.
I agree 100% used to go to waynesfield and see three groove racing Non Wing.

Since they paired about every race with wings, Now it's a one lane snoozefest. They even grade the cushion off............ Pfft.
Charles Nungester
6/28/24, 2:01 PM   #9
flagboy55 is offline
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I’m curious how this will work out going forward. I didn’t wish any I’ll will toward them, in fact I hoped it would do well. However with what can only be described as abysmal attendance through the front gate, you would think it has a dubious future. It seems to me that in Indiana, the wing folks might have the bullhorn, because there’s not enough of them to raise their own voice. I can only imagine how poorly attended this would have been had the IRA not been involved. I get a kick also out of the folks telling me I have to support it. Guess what? I know what I prefer and will try to support that when I can. I actually supported this, in spite of not attending one race in person. Like I told my friends out on the PA trip, I’m always told, if you can’t make it to the track, be sure to watch on Flo. And that’s exactly what I did. I don’t really blame anyone about what happened as far as turnout goes. I applaud Abe and Spiker for giving it a try. Better to swing and miss than to never take the bat off your shoulder
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6/29/24, 11:54 AM   #10
Re: Maverick Mayhem Feedback
DJlives is offline

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I don't think the IRA involvement had any impact on the attendance. This is not a knock on a solid series but their top drivers don't have a burgeoning fanbase in Indiana = Perhaps in time they will.
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