Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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BrentTFunk (Offline)
  #1 7/8/22 11:19 AM
I wonder how many of you still subscribe. This month's issue has several great articles about things being discussed on here. The difference is the subjects have been researched. Dave Argabright did a great column on tires. He talked to people, and got more information than social media rumors. Pat Sullivan did a great column, as did Brady Bacon. Pete Walton also wrote an excellent one.
The good part about it is they talk to people who know more of what is going on, than we tend to. On social media, people want quick, simple answers to complex problems. I am just as guilty of this as anyone.
This is the only social media that I do. I took a one year break from all social media. Not only did it make me a happier person, but I believed it made me smarter lol. (There is still plenty of room to grow there)
Not sure how many subscribe, but in my opinion it is money well spent.
24 Likes: Black Deuce, Bostonian, captrat, Chief Wahoo, cowboyhar69, Dirtfan, erich45, fish, Grocery Guy, Ilovedirttrackracing, luckybuc97, LUCKYONE, mc/rider, openwheelfan1, oppweld, PIT CART, racefan20, racenut69, rapid robert, Rcar, rimrider69, stp6237, wallbanger II, WinglessLovers
racefan20 (Offline)
  #2 7/8/22 11:37 AM
I still subscribe and yes there was some good stuff in this months issue. My question is Brent now that you are back on social media now are you getting dumber?

John Hoover

“To whom little is not enough, nothing is enough.” Epicurus
3 Likes: BrentTFunk, Ilovedirttrackracing, tirespinner
BrentTFunk (Offline)
  #3 7/8/22 2:32 PM
Originally Posted by racefan20:
I still subscribe and yes there was some good stuff in this months issue. My question is Brent now that you are back on social media now are you getting dumber?
That is not as easy for me to achieve. This site is it for me as far as social media goes. Fortunately for the most part, we all stick to racing and building friendships on this site. That helps
8 Likes: Chief Wahoo, Dirtfan, Ilovedirttrackracing, luckybuc97, LUCKYONE, mc/rider, tirespinner, TQ29m
Pitdad (Offline)
  #4 7/8/22 4:13 PM
I still subscribe. I rode Open Wheel into the ground. I rode Speed Sport into the ground. And I'll ride Sprint Car and Midget for as long as it makes it. I like possessing the history/information.

What the "digital" kids, and their uncluttered lives don't realize is, history is only preserved if WE preserve it. "Everything is on the web!" That may be true, so long as someone keeps up the payments on the website and maintains the URL. If I possess the hard copy of the magazine, I can go back and read, research, or relive those moments. It doesn't matter to them now, but someday it will and all their "digital content" will be gone because the server they stored them on crashed and they just never got around to backing everything up on "the cloud"...

The writing in Sprint Car and Midget is still excellent. I can't bring myself to read the last editions with KO's column because I always saved his column for last. Now I know that when I read them, they truly are the last words I'll read of his. Maybe if I just don't read them, he won't really be gone.

I know, "Sorry Boomer". AAAAH! You kids get off my lawn!
12 Likes: addictedtodirt, BrentTFunk, chrismattlin, jdull99, Ken Bonnema, luckybuc97, mc/rider, PIT CART, Rcar, stp6237, tirespinner, TQ29m
berks co (Offline)
  #5 7/8/22 5:20 PM
Agree 100% the articles are information filled Bacon does a very good job

Daniel Cohen
2 Likes: BrentTFunk, tirespinner
Charles Nungester (Offline)
  #6 7/8/22 5:33 PM
My S&M money goes to getting toward actual races and seeing them on FLO when I can't.

Don't know if it makes me dumb or smart.
I always enjoyed when someone in the know would set things straight with facts. Like Casey Shuman and others. Even if they were correcting me and calling me a idiot, At least I had the facts afterward. I mean I know not to take a announcers statements as facts and repeat em online now. LOL

Charles Nungester
4 Likes: BrentTFunk, Ilovedirttrackracing, Ken Bonnema, oppweld
BrentTFunk (Offline)
  #7 7/8/22 5:54 PM
Charles, I thought of you when I read the article on tires. It was very well done and went deeper into the problem than what we see here.
2 Likes: Charles Nungester, tirespinner
Sandy Lowe (Offline)
  #8 7/8/22 9:34 PM
Originally Posted by Pitdad:
...history is only preserved if WE preserve it...
That statement really hit home for me. There's a certain series that I wish would get it too. When you volunteer to type their results for them, and they would rather do and post nothing than accept your help, there is no history to preserve.
15 Likes: BrentTFunk, Charles Nungester, dirtnonwingfan, Ilovedirttrackracing, Ken Bonnema, LB, luckybuc97, oppweld, PIT CART, progressive22, racenut69, Speedracer, tirespinner, TQ29m, TQ97
JackSam40 (Offline)
  #9 7/9/22 4:52 PM
I'm with pitdad, I've rode them all as far as they went I read every page except for the drag racing, just not my thing. I only read i or 2 articles a day to make it last all month . Just sorry that they are getting smaller and we are losing some very good writers, but they need to retire at some point too.
Likes: chrismattlin
badcoupe (Online)
  #10 7/9/22 5:06 PM
Sandy, I’m pretty sure I know what you’re referring to and I’ve always felt you were the keeper of the history of that group, as well as being deeply rooted in it. You’re the best, in any endeavor you’ve taken on in the racing world!
8 Likes: BrentTFunk, dirtnonwingfan, E.P., Ilovedirttrackracing, K9Racer, Ken Bonnema, LUCKYONE, TQ29m
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