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  #1 1/19/09 5:30 AM
Just a few of my thoughts and opinions from this weekend's Chili Bowl.

The Good :thumb
-- The walkway behind the turn 3 and 4 grandstands were back
-- The racing was fantastic
-- The fans and racing community pulled together for an injured driver
-- The scoreboard in turn 2 was fairly easy to read and helped figure out certain cars/drivers
-- The beanbag tournament was a lot of fun, as usual, even though me and my partner got smoked
-- John Godfrey/Spike Chassis... Impressive.
-- Pine made it to the stands for the A-main!

The Bad :thumbsdown:
-- Friday morning, the entire building was closed, and required a ticket/armband to get in. So much for being able to walk around the pits during the day. :censor:
-- The pass-outs to leave the building were just a pain.
-- The prices on everything have gone up, no surprise.
-- Natalie Sather as an announcer.
-- Several nasty crashes... Tim McCreadie, French Grimes, Frank Polimeda, Nick Knepper... any further updates on the first two guys? Frank and Nick are said to be okay.
-- A midget driver didn't win.

The Ugly :doh:
-- Yeley's sad debut of the t-shirt cannon. I think it had something to do with Jonathan Vennard's mechanical skills!
-- "The Tailtank"
-- French Grimes' car, obviously home-made.
-- Watching Head and Jones stagger up the bleachers 4 nights in a row!

There may be a few things I forgot and will add/edit later... Anyone else have anything? And let's not make this another Swindell post. I'm already tired of talking/hearing about him. :O: :checkered:
  #2 1/19/09 2:46 PM
go sammy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
downwithallison (Offline)
  #3 1/19/09 2:54 PM
The track announcer said that French Grimes had a broken shoulder.
Glad Brad
  #4 1/19/09 5:38 PM
Great post.
  #5 1/19/09 5:45 PM
I simply stated some of my thoughts/opinions from the Chili Bowl... was asking for other people's input and don't want to make this a post all about Sammy... Congrats to him winning his 5th driller, but there are 5 or 6 other threads on this message board dedicated to him :thumb:checkered:
  #6 1/19/09 6:09 PM
Tim McCreadie is in Indianapolis visiting Dr. Trammell. He is feeling better but should be out for about 6 months. French Grimes broke his collar bone and sustained a concussion. He should be fine. Frank Polimeda also sustained a concussion and flew home with both eyes black and both eyes red. Nasty ride for all of them but fortunately they are going to be fine.
VaDirt (Offline)
  #7 1/19/09 6:18 PM
Good post, just about everything I'd say (at least what I experienced)

A couple other good things I'd add would be the "Hey Guys Sucks" guy with the grass skirt on the front stretch stands. Him, and the "Yo" kid a few feet away from the Hey Guy. Also thought it was neat that the Hey sign was signed by a bunch of drivers and auctioned off at the end of the weekend to help Timmy.

And you couldn't be more right about that Natalie girl in the booth. Ugh, she was annoying.
petey (Offline)
  #8 1/19/09 6:25 PM
Natalie Sather was easy on the eyes though when I saw and talked to her a little bit after the races on Sat. Last I saw she walking away with Spridge.:eek::wink
HEAD (Offline)
  #9 1/19/09 11:00 PM
c'mon drew didnt you mean to put the one about me and jones staggering up the stairs in the "good" part of that? and another one to add to the "ugly" is the guy 3 rows in front of me using his knife to deflate the blow-up doll
AERO410SCJA (Offline)
  #10 1/20/09 12:05 AM
Head I'm proud of you and Jonesy:applaud:
You can tell the beer is 3.2 If Pine makes it in the stands :moon::rolling
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