Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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  #1 5/22/11 4:12 PM
Hey, lets all chip in and buy a couple proper track dryers for Indy. Moneys tight and I'm sure they'd do something a little less ridiculous then running a couple trucks around if only the funds were available. :2:
Russ (Offline)
  #2 5/22/11 5:14 PM
They have several jet dryers.
richie (Offline)
  #3 5/22/11 7:31 PM
They had 6 jet dryers plus about 15 trucks all going around the track at the same time. Those dryers were strong and dried the track more quickly than I ever remember out at IMS. Hats off to the track crew getting the job done despite the two rain delays delaying the action.
Likes: REH24
  #4 5/22/11 7:55 PM
I was at Indy today and you have NO CLUE what you are talking about, at one time there was SIX jet dryers on the front straight. We left during the last rain delay figuring there was no way they would run, had bad rain all around as we left. The IMS crew deserves a HUGE thunmbs up for the job they did today getting in as much as they did.
3 Likes: REH24, richie, speed bump
  #5 5/22/11 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by backitin:
Hey, lets all chip in and buy a couple proper track dryers for Indy. Moneys tight and I'm sure they'd do something a little less ridiculous then running a couple trucks around if only the funds were available. :2:
.....have another one dumbass.......
Likes: TQ29m
Charles Nungester (Offline)
  #6 5/23/11 7:34 AM
Last time I was at Indy in May was for a practice and it stormed like all hell about 2pm. I was certain they were done for the day so I went to the museum and mulled about for about a hour. Came out and low and behold they were running cars at speed.

I have to believe the latter posters over the original here.

Charles Nungester
openwheelKT (Offline)
  #7 5/23/11 8:09 AM
I was at IMS 8 of the 9 days it was open last week. So I sat through some delays during the week. I think that was the quickest I've seen them dry the track off in a long time (on all days it rained). So I don't think "a couple trucks" could do that.
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